Book review of Gangster Granny by P3E.

Our favorite book in class right now is Gangsta Granny. It is written by David Walliams and Illustrated by Tony Ross.


This story is about a boy called Ben and his Granny, who loves cabbage. Ben has funny parents who love ballroom dancing.


It is a comedy. It has really funny stuff in it. Ben hates spending time at his Granny’s house because it is boring. Soon his opinion will change an the adventures will begin…


We would recommend this book to our friends and family.


By P3E.



Well done to our P3’s for sharing our review on our Book Week Video created by P7. A huge Thank you to our very own Gangsta Granny for helping us bring the book to life.

Watch this space for our Menstrie Primary Twitter account to launch our Video.

Book week in Menstrie Primary 14th-19th of November

We had so much fun during book week. We made books about monsters. We shared our favorite characters from books. We had our parents and guardians in to see our work. We dressed up as book characters for character day. We did a whole school daily read. We also made a book review which you can read in our book review post.


It was really good fun and some of us were lucky enough to win prizes for our hard work.











Our very own Gangsta Granny




Until next time,




Menstrie Primary School Literacy Week


Book Week Information

Monday 14th November – Friday 18th November


As you will be aware from the newsletter, there are a number of things happening during literacy week. Here are a few reminders of important dates, etc.

  • Pupils should bring in books which they no longer wish to keep, for Tuesday 15th November for our book swap event.
  • An optional homework task has been given out with the prize for each class being a book from the book fair.
  • The book fair will be open to parents on Thursday 17th, Monday 21st and Tuesday 22nd November from 3pm – 4pm. Your child will also have opportunities to visit during school time.
  • There is an opportunity for parents to visit their children’s class on Tuesday 22nd November from 2.45pm to see a piece of writing.
  • Friday 18th November is ‘Dress as a Book Character’ day.
  • If a child (with parental help if necessary) posts below this post, about what their favourite book is and why, they will receive a reading sticker and a bookmark.

Whale whale whale, what do we have here? Our first super P3 Homework Exhibition

WOW! Miss Aitken and I are overwhelmed with the work and creativity of our P3 students Homework Wall Project pieces.

“Well done boys and girls”.

Today we had our first exhibition which gave everyone a chance to share their hard work with their classmates. We have had shoe-box aquariums, badges, facts files, posters, Papier Mâché sea creatures and presentations. The pupils took the chance to give feedback on the fantastic work on display. Check out their work below.

















The students were so excited and they loved giving and getting their feedback.

Rowan Gray “someone said mine was epic”.

Wallace Gillespie “I have loads of cool comments”.

Pupils were really positive and enthusiastic about giving their feedback. We have learned so much from each other. I learned that octopus have 3 hearts and 9 brains! This has really inspired us to keep up the good work.



Menstrie P3E Scientists

On the 31st of October we conducted an experiment to see the impact pollution has on the Ocean, in particular the effect Co2 has on coral. Using boiled purple cabbage juice, a straw and 2 glass jars we were able to compare two samples. Sample one was the controlled test which had our cabbage juice, we noticed this was a dark purple colour. For sample two we used our breathe which contains a certain amount of Co2 and blew bubbles into the juice to see if anything would happen.

Our observations:

Rebecca King “our juice looks lighter after”

Chloe O’Brien “there was lots of bubbles”

We concluded as a class that the experiment showed that Co2 changed the colour of the second sample. This is known as bleaching and this is one of the serious consequences the coral in the ocean is dealing with. Due to increased pollution and the increase of global warming the coral is becoming more damaged.





In the upcoming weeks we are going to look into how we could try to prevent or reduce bleaching in the ocean.


Autumn Leaves

We have been observing and discussing the late arrival of Autumn this year. We have taken advantage of the great weather to go out and explore the different leaves and colours that are now surrounding us. As part of this we have been able to discuss and link our learning to our habitat and environment learning in our “Under The Sea” topic.





   Team building activities in our Autumn surroundings. 28/10/2016