Menstrie P3E Scientists

On the 31st of October we conducted an experiment to see the impact pollution has on the Ocean, in particular the effect Co2 has on coral. Using boiled purple cabbage juice, a straw and 2 glass jars we were able to compare two samples. Sample one was the controlled test which had our cabbage juice, we noticed this was a dark purple colour. For sample two we used our breathe which contains a certain amount of Co2 and blew bubbles into the juice to see if anything would happen.

Our observations:

Rebecca King “our juice looks lighter after”

Chloe O’Brien “there was lots of bubbles”

We concluded as a class that the experiment showed that Co2 changed the colour of the second sample. This is known as bleaching and this is one of the serious consequences the coral in the ocean is dealing with. Due to increased pollution and the increase of global warming the coral is becoming more damaged.





In the upcoming weeks we are going to look into how we could try to prevent or reduce bleaching in the ocean.


6 thoughts on “Menstrie P3E Scientists”

  1. Wow! What a fantastic experiment. Maybe some of the Primary 3 pupils could come and tell Primary 7 about what they did?

  2. Emily has been telling us all about co2 pollution. She has really learned from this experiment- looks like they had fun too!

    1. Always trying to pack in as much fun to keep us enthusiastic for learning. It’s great to hear Emily has taken so much from our experiment. 🙂

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