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We put water outside in containers. Some froze and some didn’t. Some stayed as water.

We made crumbles with the Pimary 6’s.  Some people maybe didn’t like them and some people maybe did like them.

Today we were doing sums with sticks and stones.





We have done the whole alphabet. We have practised all our letters. The alphabet was hard for some people but easy for others. The spelling words are tricky words and they are in our bags.


Zoe and Chloe.

ps. This week we have an extra teacher in our class on a Monday, a Tuesday, a Wednesday and Thursday. Her name is Miss Dunnell.

World of work

I liked all your jobs. I liked the helmets and I liked the handcuffs.



ps. Thank you so much to all the parents who came in to school, giving up their free time to speak to the Primary 1 children. We have had  visits from a Countryside Ranger, North Sea Pipe Worker, Nurse, Prison Officer, Firefighter and Submariner.

Mr Pennie.

Party on!

Just a quick reminder that both Primary 1 Christmas Parties will take place tomorrow, Thursday 17th December in the afternoon. Children can either bring their party clothes, in a bag, with them to school and the adults will help them get changed or go home at lunchtime and come back to school when they are dressed in their party gear. Either option is fine, whatever suits you.

Lunchtime for  P1 is as normal from 12.30 until 1.15p.m.

The show must go on

Well done to all the Primary 1 children for their super performances in all 3 school concerts. Thanks also for being such a supportive audience. We have planned a little party tomorrow for both classes as a little treat for their efforts over the last few weeks, which culminated in the shows.


Poster Making


Healthy Lifestyle Family and Child Competition.

As part of your child’s homework for week beginning 16.11.15 could a member of your family please support them to design and create a Healthy Lifestyle Poster on the attached A4 piece of paper. This could focus on areas such as fitness, importance of a breakfast, exercise, informed choices, self-esteem etc.

Please keep slogans catchy and short, visual pictures able to be seen from a distance and original ideas. The completed posters should be returned to the class teachers before Friday 20.11.15. and should be clearly labelled on the back with the child’s name, class and which member of the family helped. All winning posters will be framed and displayed in the school. Catering Services have also provided prizes for this competition, these are two recipe books and four £30.00 Nike Sports Vouchers. The judging panel will consist of Mr Furzer, Mrs Nicholson and Mrs Murray. Any questions about this event please feel free to contact me.


John Pennie

Menstrie Primary.