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First day of school!

Hopefully all the children enjoyed their  first day in Primary 1 and have told you all about it. If not, here are some of the things we managed to squeeze  in .  We had a fire drill, took the parachute outside, met our buddies, started making woodland creatures and created some repeating patterns on our wellbeing snails. We will try to update the blog as frequently as possible.

Cafe visit and picnic

On Tuesday we will be going to The Forge for an icecream. Flavours on offer are vanilla, mint choc chip and chocolate. If you would like to help just come along at 9.00 a.m. If for whatever reason you do not want your child to have a cone please let me know and we can offer them something else.


Also on that day we are having a joint Teddy Bear”s  picnic with the nursery. Could every child please bring a teddy bear.



Mr Pennie

Giant Bodies

We went a walk and the daffodils were not there. The red berries on the trees that the birds eat are gone. On the holly bush there is a kind of flowers.

We cut out giant bodies and coloured in their hair. We put clothes on them. I liked it.

By Keevan.