Going outside

We went to the shops yesterday and got strawberry laces to make spider biscuits. They tasted delicious!

We went to the woods and we got conkers. We are going to play a game.



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8 thoughts on “Going outside”

  1. I was hearing all about the ‘secret’ path with lots of conkers! Looks like they all had fun , and the Spider biscuit was down the hatch before we got out of the playground…successful trip all round 🙂

    1. I loved going to collect conkers when I was wee. The kids seemed to have a great time and the tree we found was an absolute cracker. We also got a cheeky hot chocolate when we got back from our autumnal walk.

  2. Great pictures! Looks like another fun day at school.
    James was happy to have you back in class this week Mr Pennie 😊

  3. I was going to keep the remaining conkers for a nature display but I think I will just give the rest out tomorrow. We might have a future world champion in the making.

  4. Yes, we will soon be looking for volunteers to help us do some activities deep in the woods, so I will put your name down.

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