Knock at the door – number 4.

We made the plum tarts today, myself and Mrs Nelson thought they tasted scrummy. Mixed reviews from the kids, some really liked them, others managed to eat the pastry around the plums and left the fruit.  If I could ask for a couple of volunteers we might tackle making our own cheese and tomato pizzas next week – focus on the concepts of one whole, a half and a quarter. In preparation for this I have being doing a lot of research – two for Tuesday!

To familiarise the children with areas of local interest we are in the process of organising a visit to Menstrie’s Premier Café.  Again we will be looking for helpers nearer the time- details to follow.

Lastly we played number bingo on the small chalkboards for our outdoor learning today. Learning intention was consolidation of the correct number  formation within 5. Children seemed to like it but I had to give away a toaster, ironing board, digital alarm and 3 cuddly toys as prizes.

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