Category Archives: P5/6 Blog

Welcome to Mrs Robertson and Primary 5/6’s class blog.

Here we will keep you updated on our learning activities throughout the school year. We hope that you will enjoy reading about them as much as we enjoyed doing them.

Why not post a comment below and let us know what you think of our blog.

Merit Award Assembly


This was our first merit award assembly this year. We invited family and friends of award winners to our assembly and they stayed to celebrate with their children with some refreshments. Thanks to everyone who supported this.

Ceejay and Layton shared their current favourite books and we all sang ‘Wake Up!’.

Our merit award winners are

Resilience – Harry
Fun – Finley & BillieRose
Safe – Ted
Tolerance – Leah
Respect – Ruaridh, Hannah, Ross , Aimee  & Rhys
Nurturing – Hannah , Chloe F, Layton  & Kadie
Effort – Olivia , Dylan B, Harry, Leah B, Mia, Daniel, Ceejay , Chloe P , Dylan P, Rhys, Skye , Chloe S, Charlie, Layton, Kadi, Leah C , Ciaran , Antosia, Dominic, Lennon , David  & Keir !

Well done. We are very proud of you all.

Have a happy and safe weekend.

Friday Assembly

As part of our school improvement priorities to encourage and support reading, Primary P1W pupils, talked about books that they were enjoying including ‘Oi Frog!’, ‘Oi Dog!’, ‘Oi Cat!’ and ‘Oi Duckbilled Platypus!’.

All classes will have a chance to share their favourite stories over the coming weeks at assembly.

Everyone sang ‘Together’.

Please see below for our ‘Deerpark Stars’ for this week!

Signers of the Week
Jack, Kailyn , Toni-Linn , Kadi  and Jay .

PE Stars
Tyrus , Chloe W, Samir, Rachael and Mia .

Numeracy Stars
Mason , Kezmyn, Tyler, Rosie, Lacey, Taylor and Keir .

Literacy Stars
Mona , Ava , Jake K , Taryn , Russell , Dylan P and Cerys.

Star Pupils
Aimee , Flynn , Chloe F , Mirren , David , Hannah, Harry.

Clean Classroom of the Week – Primary 1W – 4th week in a row!!!!!!

Most improved Clean Classroom of the Week – Primary 6/7.

Well done to everyone for their efforts and achievements this week. We are proud of you all.

Next week Childsmile will be in school for flouride varnish for P1 -P4, P4 are sharing books at assembly and children who have demonstrated respect for others during intervals will be rewarded with an extra playtime on Friday afternoon (weather permitting!).

Have a relaxing weekend.

Friday Assembly

As part of our school improvement priorities to encourage and support reading,  pupils talked about books that they were enjoying. Leah shared ‘Kid Normal, Megan shared ‘Captain Underpants and the attack of the talking toilet!’ and Layton shared ‘Ratburger’.

All classes will have a chance to share their favourite stories over the coming weeks at assembly.

Everyone sang ‘Together’.

Please see below for our ‘Deerpark Stars’ for this week!

Signers of the Week
Nyco , Hannah , Steven  and Daniel.

PE Stars
Alexander, Hannah , Taryn, Lacey and David.

Numeracy Stars
David , Tyrus , Charleigh , Conner, Toni-Linn, Leah, Shane.

Literacy Stars
Robert, Jack, Damien & Chloe W, Samir, Logan,Arminias  Leah B.

Star Pupils
Kadie, Elise, Jake E, Kayla, Hannah Mc, Dylan P, Daniel.

Clean Classroom of the Week – Primary 1W – 3rd week in a row!

Most improved Clean Classroom of the Week – Primary 3.

Well done to everyone for their efforts and achievements this week. We are proud of you all.

Newsletter ~ August / September

Welcome back to all children and families from P2 to P7 and a very warm welcome to our new children and families in Primary 1.

So far all of the children have settled well into their new classes and with new class teachers and the Big Buddies have been supporting Primary 1 children.

To find out whats happening in and around the school this term take a look at our newsletter by clicking the Deerpark icon below.

Friday Assembly

We sang our school song – We are the children of Deerpark School – very loudly and our stars of the week were presented with their stickers and certificates.

Stewart House Captains , gave out Numeracy Star awards. Numeracy Stars for this week are Kailyn , Jake E, Miley , Aimee C, Hannah & Mhya , Leah and Leah .

Bruce House Captains, gave out Literacy Stars for this week. They are Tyler , Thomas N, All of Primary 2, Dean and Lacey, Kerryn and Billie Jo, Mia and Ayden.

Star Pupils for this week, awarded by Schaw House Captains, are Charleigh & Euan, Robert , NoahP, Hannan M, Luke, Rhys  and Phoebe .

Makaton Signers of the week are Katie , Annie , Billierose & Miley, Leah  and Declan. They were presented with their certificates by Wallace House Captains.

Primary 5/6 demonstrated some of their learning through the brass project and played ‘We Will Rock You’ and ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star’. They were fantastic.

The parent council presented Primary 7s with their Prom Goody Bags.

Well done everyone. We are proud of you all.

Our Leavers’ Assembly will take place on Thursday at 2pm.  Hope to see you there.

Have a happy and relaxing weekend everyone.

Classes for 2018/19

Primary 1M – Mrs McDowall

Primary 1W – Miss Wyman

Primary 2 – Miss Fox

Primary 3 – Mrs Stevenson

Primary 4 – Mrs Kelly (DHT) 1 day a week and Mrs McLuckie 4 days a week

Primary 5/6 – Mrs Robertson

Primary 6/7 – Mr Patterson (PT) 3 days a week & Mrs Kelly (PT) 2 days a week

Mr Patterson and Mrs Kelly will have 2
days a week non class committed to take
leadership roles within the school and as
part of our school improvement plan.

Primary 6 will be split between Primary 5/6
and Primary 6/7 as was this session.

Parents and Carers of Primary 6 children
for next session will receive a separate
letter advising them which class their child
will be in.

The organisation of classes follows the
authorities Organisation of Learning Policy
which states that Headteachers should
take the following into account:-
• Number of children in the school
• Children’s ages
• Gender, to ensure a good mix of
boys and girls

A copy of ‘How learning is organised in
schools – Information for Parents’ leaflet
and ‘Moving Classes – Advice for you’ for
children can be found on our school
website. Please contact the school if you
would like a paper copy.

Attainment, achievement and learning
opportunities of all children are regularly
monitored by class teachers and the
Headteacher to ensure equality of
opportunity. Children with additional
support needs are supported through the
staged intervention process. Please
contact the school if you would like further
information about staged intervention.

Eco Warriors

Trees by hrumThe Eco Warriors spent their time this week planting trees on part of the playing field that they have designated as the new Wildlife Area.
They would really appreciate that anyone playing in/around that area respect the trees and all the hard work they put into planting them. It will be sectioned off, in due course, but meantime we hope that the trees can thrive where they are.

Deerpark Dance Team

A fantastic performance by the Deerpark primary dance team tonight at the dance competition held at Lornshill Academy.

A lot of work and commitment has been shown by the girls during lunchtimes to practice and they did so well to perform in front of so many people 👏🙌