Category Archives: Makaton

Friday Assembly

As it is class finalists days for our Scots Poetry competition and Rabbie Burns day, some of the children practised saying their poems to the whole school. The were very good and I can tell that the judges will have a tough job next week choosing winners from each class. We hope that you will be able to join us for our Scottish Assembly in a fortnight.

Mrs Bernard explained that lunchtime quiet club would now be a reading club to encourage and promote reading for enjoyment. Dean thought it would be a good idea to come up with a name for this and he is going to have a think and make some suggestions. Any ideas are welcome in the comments below.

Please see below for our ‘Deerpark Stars’ for this week.

Signers of the Week
Hannah, Mason, Adam, Kian and Mhya.

PE Stars
Flynn, Dylan, Billierose, Aimee C and Amber

Numeracy Stars
Tyler, Kezmyn, Damien, Amber, Alan, Amber &Kadi  and Skye.

Literacy Stars
Aimee, Jack, Chloe F & Charleigh, Kayla, Rachael, Layton and Olivia .

Star Pupils
Harry , Garry , Kiyla, Billierose, Toni-Linn, Leah, Daniel

Most Improved Clean Classroom for last week – Primary 5/6

Most Improved Clean Classroom for this week – Primary 1M

Cleanest Classroom for last week – Primary 6/7

Cleanest Classroom for this week – Primary 1W

Well done to everyone for their efforts and achievements this week. We are proud of you all.

Have a relaxing weekend.

Friday Assembly

We welcomed everyone back to school after our Christmas Break and talked about some of the things that would be happening this term including learning Scots poems and songs for our Scottish Assembly on 8th February.

We welcomed Ms Elizabeth as class teacher in Primary 6/7 to the team at Deerpark.

We shared plans for a whindust path for our playing field. A copy of which is shared below. All classes have received a copy of this and we are seeking the children’s views on whether we should have the path built and the different ways that it might be used, for example the Daily Mile.

The path would cost between £5000 and £6000 depending on the width.

We would welcome your thoughts. Please comment below or directly to a member of staff at the school.

Please see below for our first ‘Deerpark Stars’of 2019.

Signers of the Week
Ava and Xander

PE Stars
Harry, Shannon , Jenna , David  and Rhys

Numeracy Stars
Tyler,  Blane, Robert, Tyler , James, Hannah, Amber and Cerys.

Literacy Stars
Kerys , Flynn , Jake E , Samir, Lincon, Arminas and Shane.

Star Pupils
Alexander, Kezmyn, Dylan, Mirren, Annie , Taylor, David.

Clean cloakroom, most improved clean classroom and cleanest classroom of the week will be awarded next time.

Well done to everyone for their efforts and achievements this week. We are proud of you all.

We look forward to hearing your views regarding the proposed path. Thanks in advance.

Have a relaxing weekend.

Friday Assembly

As part of our school improvement priorities to encourage and support reading,  pupils talked about books that they were enjoying. Leah shared ‘Kid Normal, Megan shared ‘Captain Underpants and the attack of the talking toilet!’ and Layton shared ‘Ratburger’.

All classes will have a chance to share their favourite stories over the coming weeks at assembly.

Everyone sang ‘Together’.

Please see below for our ‘Deerpark Stars’ for this week!

Signers of the Week
Nyco , Hannah , Steven  and Daniel.

PE Stars
Alexander, Hannah , Taryn, Lacey and David.

Numeracy Stars
David , Tyrus , Charleigh , Conner, Toni-Linn, Leah, Shane.

Literacy Stars
Robert, Jack, Damien & Chloe W, Samir, Logan,Arminias  Leah B.

Star Pupils
Kadie, Elise, Jake E, Kayla, Hannah Mc, Dylan P, Daniel.

Clean Classroom of the Week – Primary 1W – 3rd week in a row!

Most improved Clean Classroom of the Week – Primary 3.

Well done to everyone for their efforts and achievements this week. We are proud of you all.

Friday Assembly ~ 27th April 2018

We practised our new song as a school. It was fun.

Schaw House Captains , gave out NumeracyStar awards. Numeracy Stars for this week are Tyler, ThomasW, James , Annie & Alan, Amber, Archimedes group (P5/6) and Ayden & Harley .

Wallace House Captain  gave out Literacy Stars for this week. They are Aden, Ross , Little Chicks group,Aimee Gl, Chloe , Chloe P and Leah .

Star Pupils for this week, awarded by Bruce House Captains, are Chloe F , Ryan , Brianna , Teaghan , Taylor , Mia  and Shane .

Makaton Signers of the week are Katie , Andrew , Kian and Rhys ! They were presented with their certificates byStewart House Captains.

Well done everyone. We are proud of you all.

Have a happy and safe weekend everyone.

Friday Assembly

Well done to everyone who is actively participating in walk once a week to school. As mentioned previously, we are in third place out of all of the schools in Scotland taking part!

We reminded everyone to enjoy any Halloween celebrations that they are taking part in during the weekend, including the Parent Council Halloween discos tonight, and to keep safe. We also reminded children that they could wear their Halloween costumes on Tuesday next week if they brought something in for the Christmas Hampers.

Several children were awarded their 1 mile certificate for JuniorJog Scotland with Angela Coulter. These sessions take place afterbreakfast club each morning.

Wallace house captains,  gave out Numeracy Star awards. Numeracy Stars for this week are Tyler, Thomas, Zac , Katie, Amber , Kenzie & Lennon

Schaw house captains gave out Literacy Stars for this week. They are Chloe W , Ryan, Rosie, Rachael, Ellie and Luke, Chloe P,
Chloe S and Leah and John, Katy, Jay, Lewis L and Antosia

Star Pupils for this week, awarded by Stewart House Captains, are Aden, Kier , Samir , Lincon, Kerryn , Angel AND Jay .

Makaton Signers of the week are Connor  and Evie . They were presented with their certificates by Bruce house captains.

We said a huge well done and thank you to all of the children and parent helpers for yesterday’s hard work making Guys for the local bonfire night competition. They all look fabulous!

Next week we will be awarded Merit Awards for children who consistently demonstrate our school values – resilience, safety, fun,tolerance, respect, nurture and effort.

Have a happy and safe weekend everyone.