Welcome to P2/3 with Miss Petherbridge
We have been very busy in P2/3 since returning to school in August 2020. P2/3 have been getting used to being back in school during such uncertain times. We have put a big focus on our health and wellbeing through learning mindfulness techniques, recognising our emotions and building relationships with each other. P2/3 have made great progress in their learning, here is some of the activities we have been doing in the class and outdoors!
Here is our Class Newsletter for Term 1 2020
In numeracy we have been working hard on learning new strategies to help us with counting, addition and subtraction. Using concrete materials has helped to support our learning.
We have had lots of fun taking our numeracy lessons outdoors!
We have been busy learning our letter sounds in our Jolly Phonics programme. We learn group sounds and practice blending them in words. Our phonics strategies have not only helped our spelling but have helped us to decode words in our reading.
Our class novel this term is The Lighthouse Keeper series. Through this we have been learning about the structure of stories. It has also provided a great base for exciting drama, science and STEM projects; we’ve built electric circuits and carrier prototypes to help our character Mr Grinling reach the lighthouse.