Author: Miss Campbell

Rotary Quiz


Me cooper,dwayne,hayliegh, and jaxon was in a quiz. some of the questions were really hard and some were really easy. it was on thursday night at the academy but we got third and rathen school won. I think south park and inverallochy got a tied second place.

Arran P7M



When i was home in the school snow days i was playing my pc and it was not lagging a single pixel.

and i was playing a lot of games with my friend i was better then my friend.

When i was bored i went outside and played in the snow with my friends the place was academy there was a hill so we could sledging  there was so much people !!!!!!

Saulius /Emilis 


Rotary quiz P7M-P6/7C


Last night, there was a rotary quiz up at the Academy. Me, Cooper, Dwayne, Jackson and Arran were at the quiz, And we came *drum roll* 3rd!

We were very grateful for our achievement and would love to do it again, but sadly we will be going up to the academy soon after the summer break 🙁

Hayleigh P7M

The Human Body


In class we are  learning about the human body. First we had to do a front cover it was sooo fun . We had to find 5 things that match are 5 senses every thing was really interesting.We went to the infant to learn more about the five senses


P5H, Mollie





The Human Body


In class we have been learning about the human body.

and my friend luke had wore a funny suit and it was soooooo funn

i loved learning about a human body it was very intresting it tooksome time to figure out some thing…..

and we also had to do an front cover i did a werid one like a person and whats inside them but it was soo funnn!

….. P5H karsyn

Robbie Burns Art


This week we did some artwork for Robbie burns. We drew a mouse and then coloured it with crayons and then we drew wheat and then put yellow paint over it.  Our art work got judged by the headteacher and the winners won a certificate at the special Robbie Burns assembly. It was fun I enjoyed it.

Jamie P5H 

Chunking Method


This week we have been learning the chunking method. It is long division but I prefer to use the bus stop method. For example we had to use a multiple of the dividing number to subtract from the bigger number e.g. 675/ 5 would be 5×100 = 675-500. Then we were left with 175/5. I won’t be using that method again.

Maisie P6/7C


Robbie Burns Poetry Competition


This week we have been learning poems for the burns competition that is held every year in ST Andrews Primary and some people recited poems and some people did art work for 1st,2nd and 3rd place. There was an assembly to announce the winners of the art work and the winners of the people saying poems said it in front of the school.


 Tyler P6/7

Zelda Claw


This term we are learning about a story called Zelda claw so its about a cat going down a pavement and another cat which zelda calls the cat the rain cat and zelda is scared so she hides under a lorry then she ran away and jumped over a wall.

Caleb, P5H

Klutzy Kahoot


This week on Monday we have our weekly kahoots, but you`ll never guess what happened, we were about 15 questions in until…

The WIFI went out because the WIFI was not working in the nursery so they turned off the WIFI in the whole building. Luckily, we got to redo our kahoot on Monday. Me and my friends went in one team and got in 3rd place!

Darcy, P6/7C



This week i learnt about the rainforest. I learnt all about deforestation and that trees are getting cut down all the time. Rainforest are mostly in south america and there is elephants,monkeys,gorillas and lots more animals. More than 80 percent of species in the world live in rainforests.

Arran P7M