Author: Miss Campbell

Badminton PE P5/6S


this week we did badminton and we had to throw the shuttlecock at the other person and they would bat it back with the racket, we also had to try and get the shuttlecock not to hit the floor, we had to spin, run on the spot and bat it up and hope it wouldnt fall

Bailey P5/6S

5/6S Rugby


This week we had a visitor named morgen she told us how to pass to the other player and how to defend from the player that had the ball and try and to keep away from the player and pass the ball ten times .

Blake P5/6S

The Human Body


This week we did the human body We did The heart and the lungs We got to see a model of the human body I got to see the in sides of the human body. And this sounded really disgusting but We made poop it was made of 2 rich teas 1 hole banana and water and orange juice and some tights. it was disgusting but i stayed in the class but alot of people went out side of the class with a computer but only 4 people did it it was disgusting but we got 3 house points i thought it was worth it.

Emily-Rose, P5/6S





These past couple of weeks we have been learning about the robert burns poem cauld red red rose.The poem is about him

loving a girl and writing a poem about it.In my opining i don,t really like robert burns poems but i still compete in the for a laugh.

Fletcher, P5H

P5H Art


this week in art we have been drawing and using chalk so what we did was we drew and cut out a mouse and drew wheat then shaded broown and yellow then stook the mouse to the drawing

Caleb,  P5H

P6/7C Sponosored Run


In our class we had to do a sponsored run for the critter keeper. Some of us ran for 30 minutes with out stopping and some walked and minute and ran a minute. If you ran the 30 minutes without stopping you got 12 house point. I am in the yellow house and in hte yellow house we got 36 more house point!

Maisie P6/7C

Multiplying And Dividing Decimal Numbers


This week we were learning how to multiply and divide decimal numbers. We used multiple strategies, we used the grid method, the column method, the bus stop method and the chunking/long division method. The grid method is for multiplying a two digit number by a two digit number. The column method can also be called (by little children) “a chimney sum”. The bus stop method is a way of dividing. The chunking method is….too hard to explain, you’ll understand when you learn about it.

Liepa, P6/7C



This week we were learning about measurement. There are multiple different kind of measurements there are centimetres, millimetres , kilometres, Metres , litres , millilitres , kilograms and grams . We were measuring different items, textbooks , trays , whiteboard pens , pencils and numicon . We also learned how to calculate perimeter, length and breadth.

Maia-jai  P6/7C