Hello Ben!

Hi there, we hope that you get these messages. Use the comment button to let us know how you are getting on……hope all goes well and that you’re back here with us soon 🙂  Mrs Maclean and Primary 5/19

34 thoughts on “Hello Ben!”

  1. Hi there! Today we were doing times tables in maths…. you would have been very good at it!And we had a look at the poems for the Burns competition, one is about a cat, one is about wind turbines, then a funny one about Dr Who and finally one about hairdos. We moved our jotters and table boxes into school ready for the P6/7 invasion tomorrow….. we hope they don’t make too much mess!! 🙂

  2. Hi ben:) we all hope you are fine. We changed class o’ready and we got beautiful fishes! You know I like animals very much 😀

  3. Hi Ben we have some fish in the new class.We made some maths game I think you would to play.Hope you feel beter soon.

  4. hi ben it’s p5/19 wear in our new classroom and we have fish and they are very prity i think one is a gold fish.

  5. Hi Ben I hope your all right and are you having fun on minecraft.If you can face time me today or tomorrow.

  6. hi ben its p5/19 and we all miss you and we are in our new classroom and we have fish and i think one is a gold fish

  7. hello Ben
    Hope you get better soon. We all miss you at school. is it snowing in Edinburgh? ……
    see you soon
    from marc

  8. hi there ben this is skye, how are you doing? by the way in our class room in the school we have fish. hope the nurses are being good to you? In Turra it is snowing.What is the weather like in edinburgh hope to see you back at school soon. Have you made any new friends at the hospital?

  9. Hi ben i hope you are having a great time in edinburgh.We are back in the school building.I can’t wait to see you back at school agian.we did times table games in class.

    kyle b.

  10. hi ben how are you feeling?.gues what ther is snow in turriff. is the nurscs being good to you. is the hotel cool. have you got some new lego or some cool toys. are you missing maths . is it hot or cold in edinburgh hope you get better soon.

  11. Hey ben miss you hope you get beter soon. we made number sqares for tiomestables you would of in joyed makeng them. you are so luky Aaron told us you had a flat screen tv. hope every body is being good to you. see you soon.

  12. Hey ben you are missing some amazing maths.It was a number square from 1times table to 10times table o and also we have our fish your lucky your not in the school its noisey and annoying is there any nice friends you now in hospital how much fun are you having on the xbox and ps3.from lee

  13. Hello Everyone,

    Thank you for your comments, everything going ok in Edinburgh, had to be up early for op this morning and now waiting to see doctors this afternoon.

    Lot of snow on way down yesterday, but ok in Edinburgh today.

    Looking forward to getting home! Miss you all!


  14. Hey ben how you feeling, hope you get back to school soon and we are back in the cabbins were we belong!!! and we hope to here from you soon!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 xxx

  15. Hey guys I’m home im fine I got home brilliantly I’m fine right now and I’m very glad to be home in Turriff again and I don’t know when I’ll be back at school again it took a long time to get home from Edinburgh.

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