Tag Archives: sock

Mild HWB – The Methlick School Eco Sewing Bee

SEW –  we thought you might like to take part in a Sewing Bee!

This is when a group of people get together to sew and make. They share ideas, help , encourage and have a laugh!




On BBC 1 there is a programme called ‘The Sewing Bee’ – there are 3 parts

  • The Pattern Challenge

  • The Makeover Challenge

  • The Made to Measure Challenge – let’s rethink this challenge!

The Methlick School Eco Sewing Bee – Pattern Challenge

To follow the pattern to succeed

The Methlick School Eco Sewing Bee –  Makeover Challenge

To ‘makeover’ an old piece of clothing and turn it into a bee or any pollinator of your choice!

Each week on the television programme contestants are given an everyday item to makeover into a new item in a very short amount of time. Last week each contestant had a sleeping bag and they had to make a children’s costume. The results were amazing!

The Methlick School Eco Sewing Bee Cardboard Challenge

No fabric then why not try this cardboard sewing challenge instead!

I hope you enjoy taking part in one of these challenges or inventing your own!


My daughter was bored on Saturday. It was snowing! She was grumbling! Eventually she agreed to have a go at making a bee and she surprised herself! She made her own pattern and sewed from lunchtime until late evening until she finished! Sewing is a very important skill for her future career as she is studying to become a vet so this was good practise as well.

Making, sewing, building, tinkering away at a project in your imagination can be very absorbing. You can forget about everything around you for a while!