Tag Archives: numeracy

Numeracy: MILD – Data Handling – Looking at your work!


Thank you for sharing your efforts.

Now in this blog post I want you to look at these pupils efforts and answer the following questions.

This is called Data Analysis, we are reading the information that has been gathered.

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The Questions

1. How many more people have a pet than those who do not have a pet? 

2. How many people submitted an answer in ‘how many pets do you have? 

3. What type of pet is in most of our homes?

4. What  4 animals can add up to give the same value of Cat (8) in what type of animal? 

5. In how many pets, which two amounts got the same amount of votes? 

6. In the Ice-Cream Graph, what is the difference in votes between Vanilla and Mint? 

7. In the Teddy Bar Chart, what bar colour is the small teddies?

Enjoy using your classmates work to answer the questions above. Remember to explain how you found your answer to a family member. What are you looking at closely on the graphs/charts?

Play Sumdog with Mr Reid and Miss Deans – Spicy/Hot – Numeracy – Term 4 – Week 2

Good morning everyone

If your child has a Sumdog account, they will be able to play with Mr Reid and Miss Deans between 12pm – 1pm today.

Mr Reid will be playing – Dance

Miss Deans will be playing – High Rise

Each game will start on a 5 minute interval, meaning that the first game will start at 12pm, then 12.05pm, 12.10pm etc.

When selecting ‘Who do you want to play against?’ – Select ‘Class’.

We have added every teacher to each class, so we should all be able to play together!

We look forward to playing Sumdog with you all.

Numeracy: Mild : Data Handling – Collecting Graphs


If you are taking part in the Data Handling MILD task, we would very much like to see your finished charts and graphs to use in a future Blog Post on Thursday. 

We will post pictures of pupils work with added questions to read the graphs that have been made. 

Email or Seesaw your pictures to your teacher.

Thank you to those who have chosen to take part and sent in their graphs/charts 

Numeracy – Spicy/Hot – Division – Update

Hello everyone!

It’s time to practise our Division.

Click on the Sway below to see some NEW fun and challenging activities that you can do at home to improve your dividing skills.

One of the tasks includes creating your very own Division board game! We know how creative the pupils of Methlick School can be and we can’t wait to see what you come up with.

Please comment and let us know which activities you have been doing and which ones you have enjoyed the most!

Numeracy: MILD – Data Handling, Your Answers.

Your answers are in!

Thank you to everyone who completed the survey.

When you gather in information it can be called ‘raw data’ like raw chicken you can’t do much with it, so you have to do something in order for it to be used. For instance, cooking the chicken or presenting the data in a way that is readable.

Below is a list of the data that has been collated. Your task is to use the data given and present it in a readable manner. This could be in the form of a pictogram, bar graph or pie chart.  Look through the sway below on suggestions and reminders when presenting the information.

The raw data.

Do you have a pet?  Yes (17) No (7)
How many pets do you have?   One (9)  two-three (2)  four-six (3)  more than seven (3)
What type of animal?
  • Dog  (9)
  • Cat (8)
  • Guinea Pig (1)
  • Horse (3)
  • Chickens (2)
  • Ducks (1)
  • Turkey (1)
  • Sheep (2)
  • Fish (2)
  • Caterpillars (1)
What do they eat?
  • Grass (3)
  • Carrots (2)
  • Cat Food  (4)
  • Pellets (2)
  • Dog Food (6)
  • Ham (1)
  • Hay (2)
  • Chicken (1)
  • Fish Flakes (1)
  • Socks (1)
Can they do a trick?  Yes (11) No (5)


Have great fun creating your displays of information. Remember you do not have to use all the raw data, choose a question to focus on. Send to your teachers or add them to your sway as we will use your work to create questions for others to try.





Play Sumdog with Mr Reid and Miss Deans – Spicy/Hot – Numeracy – Term 4 – Week 1

Good morning everyone

If your child has a Sumdog account, they will be able to play with Mr Reid and Miss Deans between 12pm – 1pm today.

Mr Reid will be playing – Animals

Miss Deans will be playing – UPDATE – STREET RACER 

Each game will start on a 5 minute interval, meaning that the first game will start at 12pm, then 12.05pm, 12.10pm etc.

When selecting ‘Who do you want to play against?’ – Select ‘Class’.

We have added every teacher to each class, so we should all be able to play together!

We look forward to playing Sumdog with you all.

Play Sumdog with Mr Reid and Miss Deans – Spicy/Hot – Numeracy – Week 2

Good morning everyone

If your child has a Sumdog account, they will be able to play with Mr Reid and Miss Deans between 12pm – 1pm today.

Mr Reid will be playing – Street Racer

Miss Deans will be playing – Dance

Each game will start on a 5 minute interval, meaning that the first game will start at 12pm, then 12.05pm, 12.10pm etc.

When selecting ‘Who do you want to play against?’ – Select ‘Class’.

We have added every teacher to each class, so we should all be able to play together!

We look forward to playing Sumdog with you all.

Egg Box Volume – Numeracy – Hot

Hello everyone,

Have you had a go at the ‘Hot’ Numeracy Challenge – Egg Box Volume?

The task was to  create a net for an easter egg that is 20 cm high and 8cm wide. The net must have a window shape cut into the front to view the egg through.

Here are some simple and straight forward instructions to help you with this task.

1. Create a net for a 3D Cuboid – If you do not have paper big enough to match the dimensions, feel free to alter the measurements. Use a search engine to help with the drawing of your net.

2. Decorate the net of your Cuboid using Easter images – for example, eggs, Easter Bunny or chicks.

3. Carefully cut out an egg shaped-hole in one of the rectangles.

4. Cut out the Cuboid Net and assemble your Easter box!

If you managed to complete this activity, please share your finished product with your class teacher – through Seesaw or email.