Tag Archives: numeracy

Interactive Lesson for Lines of Symmetry (Hot/Spicy) Numeracy

Hi Everyone,

Have a go at learning or recapping lines of symmetry with a range of FUN activities to help to develop your knowledge and understanding of symmetry.




Please comment and share which activities you did or liked, we love to hear your feedback 🙂

MILD: Numeracy – Building Animals using Shapes

Last week we reviewed and extended our knowledge of Shapes. This week we are going to using our knowledge to apply it to an art task.

Some of you have already sent in your drawing following the video on the grid, Well Done!

Today we are going to look at identifying the shapes we need ourselves to create a simple shape drawing.

The sway below gives you ideas on how to identify the shapes you need to create an animal.

Most of the examples only use, Squares, Triangles, Rectangles and Circles. By used differently every time we can create and fish and a snake with just a few changes.

Discuss with family why you are using a certain shape as a neck, or arm or elbow rather than another shape. What qualities does that shape have that makes it the best shape to use?

Have great fun and on Wednesday we will extend this further and create some shadow puppets in the grass.

Play Sumdog with Mr Reid and Miss Deans – Spicy/Hot – Numeracy – Term 4 – Week 7

Good morning everyone

If your child has a Sumdog account, they will be able to play with Mr Reid and Miss Deans between 12pm – 1pm today.

Mr Reid will be playing – High Rise

Miss Deans will be playing – Animals

Each game will start on a 5 minute interval, meaning that the first game will start at 12pm, then 12.05pm, 12.10pm etc.

When selecting ‘Who do you want to play against?’ – Select ‘Class’.

We have added every teacher to each class, so we should all be able to play together!

We look forward to playing Sumdog with you all.

New Learning Grids for Tuesday 2nd June – Friday 12th June

Expressive Arts Fortnight

Hello everyone!

For the next two weeks, we will be focusing on Expressive Arts – Music, Drama, Art and Dance. Click below to see our new Learning Grids.

Health and Wellbeing/Expressive Arts



Remember, we all believe that having a growth mindset is very important so the activities are organised into the following levels.




Where will you start?

Let’s leap into the learning pit and learn from our mistakes to achieve GREAT things! The teachers will be sharing their attempts too.

Keep checking the blog,  please leave COMMENTS  and send your work to your teacher via email/Seesaw or add to your Sway so that we can stay connected.

Thank you!

Mrs Fraser and all the teachers

Play Sumdog with Mr Reid and Miss Deans – Spicy/Hot – Numeracy – Term 4 – Week 6

Good morning everyone

If your child has a Sumdog account, they will be able to play with Mr Reid and Miss Deans between 12pm – 1pm today.

Mr Reid will be playing – High Rise

Miss Deans will be playing – Pier Walk 

Each game will start on a 5 minute interval, meaning that the first game will start at 12pm, then 12.05pm, 12.10pm etc.

When selecting ‘Who do you want to play against?’ – Select ‘Class’.

We have added every teacher to each class, so we should all be able to play together!

We look forward to playing Sumdog with you all.

The 24-Hour Clock – Spicy/Hot

Good morning, everyone.  I hope you are well and enjoying the second ‘Health and Wellbeing’ week.

As our Numeracy focus is still ‘Time’, I have made the following Sway on the subject of the 24-hour clock.  I hope you find it useful.

There is also an activity to convert analogue times into 24-hour digital times, and some links to websites featuring a variety of follow-up activities to practise your time-telling ability.

Don’t forget to save any work to your Seesaw class journal, or write the answers in your jotters.

Play Sumdog with Mr Reid and Miss Deans – Spicy/Hot – Numeracy – Term 4 – Week 5

Good morning everyone

If your child has a Sumdog account, they will be able to play with Mr Reid and Miss Deans between 12pm – 1pm today.

Mr Reid will be playing – Street Racer

Miss Deans will be playing – Animals 

Each game will start on a 5 minute interval, meaning that the first game will start at 12pm, then 12.05pm, 12.10pm etc.

When selecting ‘Who do you want to play against?’ – Select ‘Class’.

We have added every teacher to each class, so we should all be able to play together!

We look forward to playing Sumdog with you all.

Numeracy – Spicy/Hot – Addition/Subtraction – Update

Hello everyone!

It’s time to practise Addition and Subtraction.

Click on the Sway below to see some NEW fun and challenging activities that you can do at home to improve your numeracy skills.

Please comment and let us know which activities you have been doing and which ones you have enjoyed the most!