MILD: Numeracy – Building Animals using Shapes

Last week we reviewed and extended our knowledge of Shapes. This week we are going to using our knowledge to apply it to an art task.

Some of you have already sent in your drawing following the video on the grid, Well Done!

Today we are going to look at identifying the shapes we need ourselves to create a simple shape drawing.

The sway below gives you ideas on how to identify the shapes you need to create an animal.

Most of the examples only use, Squares, Triangles, Rectangles and Circles. By used differently every time we can create and fish and a snake with just a few changes.

Discuss with family why you are using a certain shape as a neck, or arm or elbow rather than another shape. What qualities does that shape have that makes it the best shape to use?

Have great fun and on Wednesday we will extend this further and create some shadow puppets in the grass.

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