Tag Archives: Ms Rossvoll

MILD: Expressive Arts: We can ‘Connect It’ with Body Percussion

Our bodies can make amazing sounds and noises. This is what Anne Meredith, a Scottish composer focuses on in her work.

For the BBC Ten Pieces she created a piece called ‘Connect It’

Here are some videos about it.



Full Performance


Here is the tutorial to learn how to do it.



I had great fun following the simple steps and copying the people on the screen.

Now it is time to create our own body percussion piece!

Get involved and send in your audios we will put them together and create a ‘Connected’ piece of music!

MILD: Numeracy – Getting in Line, with Symmetry

It is time to go on a walk, a symmetry walk.

Start out your walk indoors then head outdoors and remember to take a camera with you!

Then when you get home learn to play the line game with someone. You can use any objects as long as you both have the same.

Follow the sway to learn more.

Remember to share your learning with your teacher

MILD: Expressive Art – A Splash of Watercolour.

I have always found watercolour painting beautiful. I enjoy watching the paint spread across the water that is put down first.

It can take some time to learn how to use watercolours correctly, until I learned a little trick that can give the same effect very easily.

Follow the instructions in the sway below.

Once you have completed the activity you can use it as a back ground to stick drawings or pictures on top of. Or you could write your name, quote or phrase on top too.

Remember to share your results with your teacher through seesaw or email. Have a great time with some felt tips and water.

MILD: Numeracy: Sticking with Time

Time to combine our knowledge of both analogue and digital time.

There is a multiple ways you can review time at home as it is all around you. You can try a variety of games or if you would like some quiet time you could complete one of the worksheets.

Time worksheet

Time worksheet 1

Time worksheet 2

In the sway there are 3 simple stories that include the time can you write down the time in digital and analogue time.


Remember to share your work with your teacher on seesaw or through email.

MILD: Literacy: Book Bear Club – Story Mapping

How is everyone’s Book Bears

I know they are all excellent listeners.

Thanks for sharing your book nooks they all look so lovely to sit in and read.

Something that P2 enjoy creating and are also quite skilful in reading is story maps.

Story maps are a great tool to help us remember tales and identify the most important parts of the story.

Here is a few examples from P2. You can use pictures and key words to help you remember the story.

You can chose to do your own book that you have been reading to your bear or chose one of the featured tales, The Angry Ladybird or What’s the Time.

Remember to share your story maps with your teacher on seesaw or email.

MILD: Literacy & HWB: Sky High… Ready for Lift Off!

Time for the final addition to our Photography or Drawing activity.

So far we have looked at our ambitions and our own personal qualities and skills. Much like our Health Heroes, they didn’t reach their ambition on their own they needed support.

That is our focus today…

Follow the Sway below to learn about our final addition to the project.

When you are ready you can follow the writing task, there are sentence starters provided if you would like.

Remember to share with your teachers on Seesaw, Email or comment on the blog.

MILD: LITERACY & HWB : Sky High #2

Yesterday we talked about our ambitions and dreams something we could reach for in the sky.

Today we are going to look at the skills and qualities we have ourselves to help us reach that target. Have these discussions while you are taking the time to look at the sky.

To reach the ambition in the sky, we are going to need wings, your wings are made of words that the meaning relates to you.

Follow the steps below in the sway to complete part 2.

Remember this can be a drawing activity too and also send in your work to your teacher through seesaw or email.

MILD: Numeracy: Counting in

We are looking at Counting In on the grids this week. This could be counting in 1’s 2’s 5’s 10’s 3’s and so on.

We can start from one and focus on counting on from there or you may like to challenge yourself and select a number in the 100 square and start from there.

Follow the sway below for an activity idea you can do at home. There is a variety of ways you can do this jigsaw style art. I have just given you the instructions to follow one method.

Remember that if you complete this activity to take a photo and send it to your teach via email or seesaw.

MILD: Literacy & HWB : Sky High

This week’s sky journal is going to focus on ambition. Thinking about our dreams and big goals and where we want to go. We can take great inspiration from our health heroes thinking about what they have achieved after leaving Methlick.

You could do the same!

The sky seems to always be quite far away, something people will rarely be able to touch. We are all under the same sky and we all have big hopes and dreams.

I want you to think about what is one of your big dreams what would you like to do or be when you are older. It could be a small goal or a big dream.

Over this week we are going to be doing a photography task looking at how we can… REACH FOR THE SKY… and aim …SKY HIGH…

Our first post has focused on talking about our big dreams, so I want you to take a picture of the sky. On whatever device you are taking it I would like you to edit it. As we are going to add some writing, you can type or use the brush and I would like you to put somewhere high in sky that big or small ambition you are thinking about. I have put up a few examples, one which I have now and one from when I was little.

You could also complete this task doing a hand drawn picture of the sky writing in your goal at the top, or cut out letter from a magazine or newspaper and stick them to the top.

Although this is a simple task today you can have a great discussion with family talking about what your big dreams are and how you can …REACH FOR THE SKY…

Here is my sway on my Sky journal writing.

Next time we will add the next part, thinking about how we get there. Because, in the words of my favourite Disney princess ‘Tiana’ “The only way to get what you want in this world is through Hard Work” and we will talk more about hard work next time.