Tag Archives: symmetry

MILD: HWB & Art – Symmetry in Nature

Did you all enjoy your symmetry walks last week?

The pictures you sent in were great some went exploring on their walks and some hunted around their bedrooms.

Today we are going to look at symmetry in nature and complete a painting activity.

You may have to make your own paint, which I found really fun, as I had to be curious and try and make my own colours.

Follow the Sway below to learn more…

Remember to share with your teacher through seesaw and email.

MILD: Numeracy – Getting in Line, with Symmetry

It is time to go on a walk, a symmetry walk.

Start out your walk indoors then head outdoors and remember to take a camera with you!

Then when you get home learn to play the line game with someone. You can use any objects as long as you both have the same.

Follow the sway to learn more.

Remember to share your learning with your teacher