Tag Archives: literacy

Book Club – Reading – Hot – The Ickabog

Good morning everyone and welcome back to Methlick’s Book Club!

Let’s carry on reading J.K. Rowling’s new story – The Ickabog.

We are currently on Chapter 4 of the story. Feel free to read on if you wish but please do not reveal any story details on the blog. The activities provided will be a deep dive into each chapter. Read the story so far – https://bit.ly/3eoPBIY 

Click on the Sway below to see our new activities for this week.

MILD: Literacy – How much Scots do we know already?

Scots is a language that was commonly spoken all over, however, today we now commonly use English. The funny thing is, is that certain words creep back into what we say, those words are often from the Scots Language.

Watch the following videos to learn more, do you recognise some of the words?

One of our favourites stories is the Gruffalo, listen to it in Scots.

Complete the sheet below, you do not have to print it out, you can refer to it and have a discussion with family members or phone a relative to sound out the words and learn what they mean.

Scots Words Activity 

Share your responses with your teachers through seesaw or email.


Book Club – Reading – Hot – The Ickabog – Chapter 2 + 3

Good morning everyone and welcome back to Methlick’s Book Club!

I hope that you have enjoyed your second week of Expressive Arts fortnight. This week, I have read chapter 2 and 3 of J.K. Rowling’s new book , ‘The Ickabog’. Have you managed to read both chapters?

Our activities this week:

Chapter 2 – Design and draw your version of what you think the Ickabog might look like. Click on the Sway below to see  the illustrations that were sent in.

In Chapter 3, we learned that Fred’s seamstress sadly passes away. Fred appeared to feel guilty for overworking his servant, however his friends, Spittleworth and Flapoon reassured him that he couldn’t be a nicer king. The chapter ended with Fred getting into bed.

In the comments, let’s discuss how Fred might be feeling about the tragic event as he lies in his bed.

Graffiti: A Form of Art ?

Hi Everyone,

I thought I would cover an area of art that creates mystery, excitement but also plays a role in our culture and society in positive ways but also unfortunately sometimes in negative ways.

This Sway will go through the history of Graffiti and some tasks along the way including some Critical Questioning and Thinking and a chance to create your own graffiti style art piece.



Five Sense Poem

I found this exercise very relaxing.  My mind was busy thinking about all the different senses and the world around us, so it made it hard to think about anything else in that moment.  This would also be a great strategy to use if you are feeling nervous or tense.  Stop, take a few deep breaths and start to list the things you can see, taste, smell, feel and hear.

I have had some great responses from pupils already.  Some excellent drawings, photographs and paintings displaying the ideas put forward in their poems.

Book Club – Reading – Hot – The Ickabog – Chapter 1

Good morning everyone and welcome back to Methlick’s Book Club!

I hope that you have enjoyed your first week of Expressive Arts fortnight. This week, I have read chapter 1 of J.K. Rowling’s new book , ‘The Ickabog’. Have you managed to read the first chapter too?

Your questions to answer this week:

  • What is your opinion of the story so far? Share what you like or dislike.
  • Making predictions – Now that you have read Chapter 1, what do you think will happen next? Is there going to be a main character and who might they be?

You will find my responses in the comments.

Please share your responses in the comments and let’s all talk about The Ickabog!

Become an Art Critic – Spicy/Hot

In today’s post, I am challenging you to become an art critic.

An art critic is a person who specialises in analysing, interpreting and evaluating works of art.  Their written reviews are published in newspapers, magazines, books, exhibition brochures, catalogues and on web sites.

In my Sway you will find some hints and tips on becoming an art critic.   You will then have the opportunity to study and assess several well-known paintings.

I would love to hear your thoughts on the paintings, so please come back and discuss them with me on the Blog.  I will be holding an Art Appreciation discussion next week – come along and share your views!


Book Club – Reading – Hot – The Ickabog

Good morning everyone and welcome back to Methlick’s Book Club!

Have you heard that J.K. Rowling has recently released a new story titled ‘The Ickabog’? It is free and will be published online throughout the coming months.

Instead of us all reading different books, I thought it would be lovely if we read this new story together. Each week, we will read a new chapter, discuss the story so far and complete activities. Activities will be posted on a Monday and we will discuss our responses on a Friday.

J.K. Rowling has also challenged children to create illustrations for the book that will be published later in the year. More information on this competition can be found at – https://bit.ly/2zzey5x

Click on the Sway below to see our activities for this week.