Tag Archives: butterflies

MILD: HWB & Art – Symmetry in Nature

Did you all enjoy your symmetry walks last week?

The pictures you sent in were great some went exploring on their walks and some hunted around their bedrooms.

Today we are going to look at symmetry in nature and complete a painting activity.

You may have to make your own paint, which I found really fun, as I had to be curious and try and make my own colours.

Follow the Sway below to learn more…

Remember to share with your teacher through seesaw and email.

Feel-Good Friday – Build a Butterfly Bar!

Good morning everyone.  Time for another bit of Friday fun.

As the weather is getting warmer, we are starting to see more and more butterflies visiting our gardens.  Plants like lavender and buddleia (also known as ‘the butterfly bush’) are very attractive to butterflies, but not everyone has them growing in their garden.  Today’s activity is designed to encourage more butterflies to visit yours.

All the step-by-step instructions are contained in the Sway.  You should have most of the ingredients at home and, if not, they are easy to find.

I hope you give it a try – the butterflies will be grateful!

Hopefully you will soon have lots of visitors to your garden.  Don’t forget to come back to the blog and let me know how many butterflies you have seen.

You can find out how to identify butterflies here:
Butterfly Identifier