Category Archives: Mr Reid’s Music Journey

Mr Reid’s Music Journey – Term 4

Hello all!

Today’s post is very different and will not focus on my music journey. Instead, we are going to be highlighting the music journey of a family in Methlick School – Harry and Emily.

They both really enjoy their music and even have their own band called The Bubble Rats.

You can listen to two of their songs by clicking on the following link –

Emily wrote and sang all the lyrics herself to the song “Me to you” – Harry sings the backing vocals on “The Bubble Rat Shuffle”. All the voices you will hear are theirs and their dad plays all the instruments.

If you have been playing any music during your Home Learning, we would love to hear about it! Let us know in the comments.

Mr Reid’s Music Journey – Term 4

Hello all!

Music can have such a positive impact on our mental health. Today, I challenge you to find a piece of instrumental music.

First of all, what does it means for a piece of music to be ‘instrumental’? Let us know in the comments if you find out!

Second, how does your piece of instrumental music make you feel?

In the Sway below, you will find a video of me playing my guitar to one of my favourite pieces of instrumental music – ‘Ocean’ by John Butler.  I am playing my 12-string guitar and I’m a bit rusty, but this is a song that always makes me happy and relaxed when I play it.

Mr Reid’s Music Journey – Term 4

Hello all!

Music can have such a positive impact on our mental health. Today, I challenge you to think about your favourite song or piece of music and let us know in the comments. Tell us how the song makes you feel when you are listening to it. Perhaps we could even make a playlist of all our favourite songs – Methlick’s Music!

In the Sway below, you will find a video of me playing my guitar to one of my favourite songs – ‘Let it  Be’ by the Beatles. For me, this song is full of positivity and joy – it reminds me to be thankful for everything that I have.

Mr Reid’s Music Journey – Term 4

Good morning everyone,

I hope that you all had a lovely weekend and are excited to see the new Home Learning Grids.

Over the last week, I have been learning to play a song called ‘True Colours’ by Cyndi Lauper. The reason for selecting this song was because the Methlick School Choir have been learning it too!

Time to reflect  – Which activity did you enjoy most from the previous Home Learning Grids and why?

Mr Reid’s Music Journey – Term 4

Hello everyone,

I hope that you all had a lovely weekend and you are now more settled into your Home Learning routine.

I didn’t practise as much piano throughout the holidays as I had wanted to but I am still making progress. Having my Sway and being able to see the difference between Day 1 and now Day 35 helps to keep me motivated to carry on.

Question – Can you tell me the name of the song that I am playing this week? Why do you think I chose to learn this specific song?

What was the best part about being back to Home Learning last week?

Mr Reid’s Music Journey – Happy Easter

Hello everyone,

Thank you for joining me on my Music Journey over the last two weeks and all the best for the Easter Holidays.


What has been your highlight from the last two weeks? For me, it has definitely been interacting with so many of you on a daily basis. I know that all of the teachers have thoroughly enjoyed seeing what you have all been up to.

I have uploaded one final song that is from my favourite movie. Hope you enjoy and have a great Easter break!

Take care,

Mr Reid

Mr Reid’s Music Journey – Week 2

Good morning everyone!

I hope that you all had a lovely weekend with your families.

Here is a question to get you reflecting on your first week of Home Learning:

  • What has been the most challenging part of your Home Learning journey so far?

For me, it has been getting to grips with the new school blog. It has been challenging to keep up to date with comments and creating new posts to go up throughout the week. As the first week progressed, I became more comfortable with this new way of learning.

In my downtime, I have continued to practise the piano. Click on the Sway to see my progress over the last week! Do you know what song I am playing? If you’re not sure, ask someone in your family!