Mr Reid’s Music Journey – Term 4

Hello all!

Music can have such a positive impact on our mental health. Today, I challenge you to think about your favourite song or piece of music and let us know in the comments. Tell us how the song makes you feel when you are listening to it. Perhaps we could even make a playlist of all our favourite songs – Methlick’s Music!

In the Sway below, you will find a video of me playing my guitar to one of my favourite songs – ‘Let it  Be’ by the Beatles. For me, this song is full of positivity and joy – it reminds me to be thankful for everything that I have.

13 thoughts on “Mr Reid’s Music Journey – Term 4”

  1. Good morning Mr Reid I loved your music journey you are so good at the guitar I am going to see if Jake can do that song on his acoustic guitar!

    1. Good morning, Megan! Thank you for your kind words. Let me know how Jake gets on! What is your favourite song?

  2. That is a beautiful song and you played along very well Mr Reid. I wanted to learn the violin in lockdown, but haven’t even started. Do you think I am too late and do you think the family will cope with my screechy sounds?

    1. Thank you Mrs Still! It’s never too late to start something new, so I think you should go for it 🙂 Do you have a favourite song?

  3. It’s a hard task to choose just one song, as Mrs Still said. ‘Firework’ by Katy Perry gets my vote, as it is an uplifting song with a very positive message. No matter how down you may be feeling, tomorrow is another day … “If you only knew what the future holds, after a hurricane comes a rainbow”. 🌈

  4. Thats so good. A great song. I like so many songs it’s hard to choose. A family favourite is Brown Eyed Girl by Van Morrison ( cose we all have brown eyes ) but I also love ‘How long will I love you’ by The Waterboys and it’s in my favourite movie ‘About Time’

    1. Thank you for sharing, Mrs Fraser! I love the movie ‘About Time’. I have spoken to Mrs Reid about it so many times, telling her that she needs to watch it too! 🙂

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