Category Archives: P4 Mrs Rees

‘Being Healthy’ – Spicy Poem

Last week I posted a poem on the subject of mental wellbeing.  This week’s poem focuses on Personal and Physical Wellbeing.  First, read the poem or listen to the audio clip, then answer the questions in my Sway.  You may need to do a little research in order to answer some of them.

Being healthy

Mum says I have to brush my teeth
In the morning and at night.
They look and taste much better
But I hate it when she’s right.

Dad says I have to take a bath
And wash my body well.
I do feel nice and clean and fresh
But now he’s right as well!

My brother says I have to wash
My hands to keep them clean.
He’s right, my fingers feel so good
Without dirt in between.

My sister says I have to eat
Some vegetables each day.
She’s right, I have more energy
To run and walk and play.

I feel more healthy and I’ve got
Much better teeth and skin.
Don’t tell them that I think they’re right –
I hate it when they win!

Gillian Craig

Listen to it being read aloud here.

Now answer the questions.  As always, don’t forget to write in complete sentences (not one-word answers) and check that you have included capital letters and full stops.


Health Heroes- Special Guest No4 Click Me #ComeOnYouReds

Happy Tuesday Everyone!

I hope you have settled in to our Health and Wellbeing Fortnight Activities, this week our focus is on Physical Health due to this week being our usual Sports Day week.

With this in mind take a look at our Health Hero today:

Niall McGinn currently plays for Aberdeen F C  and Northern Ireland during international football season, Niall has played with a range of teams including Dungannon Swifts, Derry City, Celtic, Brentford and South Korean club Gwangju.

I would like to personally thank him for creating an inspiring video to help our Health Heroes campaign as always  we would LOVE for you to leave some comments, as with all our Heroes they are able to see your messages 🙂

Methlick’s BIG NIGHT IN: The Results

What an Amazing Evening and Weekend we hope you all had, if you joined us for the Big Night In.


It felt amazing on Friday Evening to watch the countdown and think about everyone that was tuning in. We had at most 66 families watching the premiere event live and throughout the evening we had over a 100 views. Then it over the weekend we had many more views, we are now sitting at 363 views. This is absolutely amazing to look at. We know so many of you shared the show with others and we have had viewers from around the world with family members who can’t get home.

This was a really big project for the Methlick Community and we are really glad you enjoyed it, we can tell from the messages we have received and also the long list of Facebook comments. We really do hope that the BNI has brought some joy and laughter, brought your family together and created a happy memory for during this time.

So why are you all still reading?

Ah the results you want to see the answers…

Here they are!

The Answers

Once you have totalled up your score please leave us a comment with your team name and score and below and tell us what was your favourite part of taking part in the BIG NIGHT IN.
Reminder if you are taking part in the Mutch v Reid Challenges remember to get your scores in by Tomorrow!


Feel-Good Friday – Things To Look Forward To

Good morning, everyone.  Time for another Feel-Good Friday activity.

During lockdown many people may be feeling upset, bored or frustrated because they are unable to do all the things they usually enjoy.  At times like this, it helps to remind ourselves of all the things we have to look forward to, once the lockdown is over.

Click on my Sway to find out how to make your own jar of ‘Things to Look Forward To’.

Unfortunately I left all my craft items in school so my jar doesn’t look as pretty or as nicely decorated as I’d have liked.  I’m sure yours will look much better!

I’d love to see all your decorated jars, so please share with me via my Glow email.    I will then collate them and make a Sway so that everyone can see your designs.

Have fun, and have a good weekend.  🙂





Health and Wellbeing – First Aid

British Red Cross have provided the following resource – Life. Live it. First Aid education for children

Click on the following link –

British Red Cross believe that first aid is a crucial life skill that everyone can and should learn. They aim for all 5 – 11 year olds in the UK to have the opportunity to learn the skills and gain the confidence to save lives.

This resource is split into four sections:

  • What is First Aid?
  • Stay Safe
  • Help Save Lives
  • Emergency Action

Each section provides a range of activities such as ‘How to’ videos, interactive games and quizzes. Take some time to look through the website and let us know in the comments what you have learned. We would recommend that an adult is present when you are using this website.

Methlick’s BIG NIGHT IN – Tonight’s the Night!

It is finally here…

Methlick’s BIG NIGHT IN is this evening.

Can you believe it!?

We are all so excited to share with you the hard work the community of Methlick have put into creating the Big Night In. We hope it will be a memorable evening for you all.

So, you are asking yourself, how does it work?

The video has already been uploaded to Youtube and is there waiting. On Youtube we have set it to go live at 7pm as a Premiere Party. That means that you can have the video open waiting but the show will not start until 7pm. So, if you join us at 7pm, everyone will be watching at the same time.

While the show is on you can pause and go back if you want, please do not feel you can’t press pause.

Where can I watch it?

Most devices have Youtube as an app or a program. You can view the show from a games console, smart tv, phone, laptop or tablet. The video is on our Youtube account. You can search ‘Methlick Primary’ to find us.

We would suggest being ready for the show to start, so have the link open on whatever screen you are watching from about 6:45. There will be a countdown telling you how long until it starts to play.

Click me to take you to the Youtube Web Page of the Show 

Or you can view it on the blog, below.

How can you be ready? 

The evening can be anything you want it to be, make a night of it and get dressed up or get comfy and dress down. The only thing you need is a pen and paper to write down your answers.
Take a photo with your family during the event and share it with your teachers.

Now remember, if you want to listen to the question again, you can pause and rewind. Each question will have a 10 second timer and if that isn’t long enough you can pause.

Want to read the questions as well?

We have you covered, download our question sheet below which you can print off and use during the show.

The Questions

Who can play? 


Try to let the youngest of the team answer first, then work your way up to the eldest as there are specific questions for certain ages.

Have an amazing evening everyone!



Health Heroes- Special Guest No3 Click Me #ThereisNothingLikeAMethlickDame

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to our last Health Hero for this week, our key focus has been looking at our Mental, Physical and Social Wellbeing.

Dame Evelyn Glennie began to lose her hearing aged 8 and became profoundly deaf aged 12 however this did not stop her in becoming one of the most famous percussionists on an international level.

I’d like to finish this week off with another local hero who embraces all aspects of Music and has achieved so much by showing some determination and having a growth mindset!

We’ll be back Next Tuesday for some sport themed Health Heroes.

As always please leave some comments for Dame Evelyn Glennie to see!



Missing Links #2 (including answers to Missing Links #1)

Good morning, Methlick School!

Thank you and well done to everyone who sent in their answers for the first ‘Missing Links’ challenge.   I can now reveal that the answers were:

1. Hand
2. Table
3. Car
4. Single
5. Cheese
6. Pie
7. Water
8. Book
9. Fish
10. Card
11. Way
12. Cat

Congratulations to Thomas who was first to complete it correctly!
If you are up for a second challenge, click on the Sway to have a go.

Please come back and let me know how you got on!  🏆🏆🏆

Numeracy – Lego Time!

We are all learning about time. Being challenged to do something within a certain amount of time can be great fun!

Warm up with some yoga poses. Can you do at least 5 minutes of yoga each day?

Here are some Superhero Poses.

Many of you are Lego experts! Lego is something you go back to again and again! It is something you love to do!

On our timetable this week there was a column left blank for you to focus on what you LOVE learning to do.

Can you create a Lego challenge for others to complete within a certain amount of time?

Send your drawings, photos, animations, video tutorials to your class teacher and we will feature them on the blog!

This is mine – 30 second challenge – very basic! I’m not an experienced lego builder! I’m sure you can help us all to improve!