How healthy is Thumper?
Do you know how much Thumper has grown?
How much he is eating now?
What has he been up to?
Here are the answers to some questions that I have been asked about Thumper.
Would you be able to answer these questions now?
Thumper was born on the 29th February.
How old is he now?
Thumper was about 65cm tall when he was born. This measurement was taken from his feet to the top of his back.
Look at the pictures in the Sway to work out how tall he is now.
How he has grown!
When he was born his pen was 3 metres by 1.5 metres in area.
His pen is now 3 metres by 3 metres in area.
What is the area of his pen?
Did you notice that he is quite a milk guzzler!
How much milk does he drink now?
What does he enjoy crunching on?