Category Archives: P1 Ms Rossvoll

V E Day Words Sharing the Learning

Good morning Everyone!

Thank you all for taking part in our V E Day Words activity.

Please play the music at the start of the sway and look through everyone’s fantastic contributions

Music from Miss Grant Music Teacher at Peterhead Academy .

Mild Literacy Challenge – Send a hug

What a lot of effort you have made learning to write letters.

At this time when we are apart from so many people we care about I think that it is such a lovely thing to send a letter.

Here are some new ideas to have fun with.


If you have been collecting natural materials you might like to decorate a letter with them. Have a go at hitting the petals, leaves with a hammer to add their colour to the pages etc – have a look! You might need some help from an adult with needles and hammers!

Numeracy: MILD – Data Handling – Looking at your work!


Thank you for sharing your efforts.

Now in this blog post I want you to look at these pupils efforts and answer the following questions.

This is called Data Analysis, we are reading the information that has been gathered.

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The Questions

1. How many more people have a pet than those who do not have a pet? 

2. How many people submitted an answer in ‘how many pets do you have? 

3. What type of pet is in most of our homes?

4. What  4 animals can add up to give the same value of Cat (8) in what type of animal? 

5. In how many pets, which two amounts got the same amount of votes? 

6. In the Ice-Cream Graph, what is the difference in votes between Vanilla and Mint? 

7. In the Teddy Bar Chart, what bar colour is the small teddies?

Enjoy using your classmates work to answer the questions above. Remember to explain how you found your answer to a family member. What are you looking at closely on the graphs/charts?

Mild Literacy – Let’s learn to write a letter.

On Tuesday Mr Mutch asked you to think about

  • why each crayon was quitting
  • how they were feeling
  • what problems they had

Let’s try and get the crayons to stay by writing a letter back to them.

Which crayon would you write to?

I am writing to Pink crayon.

Read the letter and think about the problem Pink crayon has.

Click on the letter to make it bigger. 

Please read the letter I have written.

This book also helps you learn how to write a letter.

You could use this idea to help you write to one of the crayons.

The best crayon in the box

Do you think I will get Pink crayon to stay in the box?

On Friday I will share different types of letters and envelopes you can make but let’s focus on the writing first.

Mild Numeracy – Sharing – using symbols

Thank you so much for all the photographs you have sent  showing you sharing an amount of objects equally.

Let’s think about sharing a box of crayons.

Dividing a box of crayons equally between jars.

We can write number stories using symbols.

This is the symbol we use for sharing.


There is one dot on each side of the line. Both have the same.

I think it looks like two people sitting across from each other, ready to be kind and share with each other.

Have a look at these examples.


Numeracy: Mild : Data Handling – Collecting Graphs


If you are taking part in the Data Handling MILD task, we would very much like to see your finished charts and graphs to use in a future Blog Post on Thursday. 

We will post pictures of pupils work with added questions to read the graphs that have been made. 

Email or Seesaw your pictures to your teacher.

Thank you to those who have chosen to take part and sent in their graphs/charts 

HWB: MILD – Emotional Crayons

Morning Everyone,

I hope you are all enjoying our mini project on conflict with our featured story ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’.

After reading or listening to the story a few times we notice that the crayons are expressing their feelings to Duncan as to why they have quit and left Duncan.

Use the questions below and discuss the family members, everyone might have different answers as it is their opinion.

Can you describe what each crayon is feeling?

What words can you find in each letter that tell you their emotion?

Which crayon do they feel most sorry for, and why?

Which crayon seems happiest and why do they say this?

Which crayon would they most like to cheer up?

What could they do to make one of the crayons feel happier?

Which crayon is the angriest one and why?

What could Duncan do to calm this crayon down?

Use the sway below to go through some examples.

Flower of power Resource 


The Crayons all come from the same box, they are all apart of a larger team. Just like you and your family we can all have different emotions but we should all still come together.

Follow the link below to make your own every crayon counts sign to share with family.

Make Your Own


Health and Wellbeing VE words

Just wanted to say a BIG Thank You to all those that have tried out our Health and Wellbeing task. They are looking FAB!

Don’t worry if you haven’t had a chance to do one yet you still have another week to go.

Please send on your creative pieces of your work to your teacher so we can collect them all to create a Sway for you all to see .


Miss Deans

Literacy mild challenge – Happy Lists

We are learning to write lists.

As an adult I write lists all the time.

With so many different things happening lately I have found it helpful to write  some happy lists.

This has helped me to focus on what is going well and worry a little bit less.

Happy List Ideas

  • This Week’s Happy Moments

  • Happy Places

  • Happy Moments or Memories

  • Happy Songs

  • List words about a friend or pet that makes you happy.

I have had a go at writing some Happy Lists  in this book.

I have filmed some of my happy places to share with you.

Take a moment to look and listen.

I wonder what you might make happy lists about?