Rainbow Experiment – Art Week – Science

Hello Everyone,

What a weekend we had last week! Such a lovely sun out just for us. Since it has been so beautiful and it is art week we will try a simple experiment, you might have tried it  before. If not, this is  a great opportunity to explore and have some fun.

So, we will be doing a magical rainbow. There are a few materials you can use so feel free to try things you might find at home.

Let’s start with the materials.


  • Paper Towel
  • Washable markers
  • Water
  • 2 Small Glasses


Step 1

Fold a piece of paper towel (like if it was a book). Cut the paper to be 7.5 inches or 19 cm (any longer and the rainbow may not connect fully).

Step 2

Draw rectangles of the rainbow colours on each end. Make sure you colour them really well and that they have lots of ink so it can travel easily later on.


Step 3

Place 2 cups with water filled 3/4 full. You only want the bottom of the paper towel in so, leave some space from the top of the cup.

Then place the edges in each cup, wait patiently and you will see what happens.

Step 4

Observe and wait patiently and you will see this happening. Leave it for 10 to 15 mnts.

What do you think it is going to happen at the end?

Comments your thoughts and ideas. Send a photo to your teachers of your rainbow.  🙂

Happy Art Week!

17 thoughts on “Rainbow Experiment – Art Week – Science”

        1. You would have to try and see Megan, it might be slower but it worthy to try 🙂 If you have colour paints you can try too. Let me know how it goes.

    1. Hi Cameron, that is fantastic to hear! It would be great if you could show us a photo of your rainbow, you could send it to Mr Reid. 🙂

      1. hi Miss Maturana I did your experiment it sort off works with out washable markers it went about half way, but it was a really fun experiment and I will do it again soon.

        1. Hi Megan, that sounds fantastic! I’m so happy you tried and you had fun. I’m sure if you leave it longer it might get all the way 🙂

    1. Hi Jacob, that sounds fantastic! I’m so happy you had fun. Could you send a photo to your teachers or to seesaw? Thank you!

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