Biography of an Artist – Spicy/Hot

Today you are going to be learning about some of the features of a biography before planning and writing your own.

I have suggested that you base your biography on an artist but, as our theme this fortnight is Expressive Arts, please feel free to choose an artist, sculptor, architect, musician, dancer or actor as your subject.

The Sway below contains all the information required for you to create your biography.

Don’t forget to set your work out neatly, taking a new paragraph every time there is a change of subject.  Please share your completed biography with your teacher, and don’t forget to come back on the Blog to let me know how you got on.   😊

2 thoughts on “Biography of an Artist – Spicy/Hot”

  1. I am really enjoying this activity, Ms Rees. I have chosen Marc Chagall. I typed his name into Google and then clicked ‘images’ and a lot of his paintings were shown. It was very helpful. I like his paintings because they are very imaginative and tell a story. I have to really look to work out what is going on. His paintings are also so colourful and bright that they are appealing to look at. I find that by looking into his life story I can better understand why he paints the way he does.

    1. Thank you, Mrs Still. Some of the older pupils may remember finding out about the lives of famous artists such as van Gogh, Picasso and Kandinsky during our art classes.

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