Book Club – Reading – Hot – Week 2

Good morning everyone and welcome back to Methlick’s Book Club!

I hope that you have enjoyed your second week of Health fortnight. Hopefully, you have all been reading for enjoyment, just like me!

I have been reading ‘The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse’ by Charlie Mackesy.

What have you been reading? Let us know in the comments!

Your questions to answer this week:

  • Select one or two main characters from your book. If you could ask them three questions to learn more about them, what would they be? Write down your questions and try to answer them as if you were that character.

You will find my responses in the comments.

Please share your responses in the comments and let’s all talk about what we have been reading!

18 thoughts on “Book Club – Reading – Hot – Week 2”

  1. The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse is a very short book and over the last two weeks, I have finished it. The book doesn’t have a plot in the sense that others do, so you are able to open it at any page and take something away in the form of a thought, a perspective or a life lesson. It is such a wonderful book and I find myself regularly opening up to a random page. It puts a smile on my face and helps to calm my mind.

    Question 1 for the boy – What has made you feel so uncertain about the world?
    Answer – I view myself as very small in such a big world. Because of this, I feel I can’t make a difference and that others will be better than me.

    Question 2 for the boy – How has your thinking changed after meeting the mole, the fox and the horse?
    Answer – I realise that we can all make a difference to someone’s life, no matter how small. We should care most about how we treat ourselves and others, that will help us to become happier people. As the mole said, “The biggest waste of time is comparing yourself to others”.

    Question 3 for the horse – Why do you hide what makes you different and special?
    Answer – I am afraid of how others will treat me. It can be difficult to be viewed as different. My encounter with the boy, the mole and the fox has helped me to realise that we should celebrate what makes us different and be proud of what makes us special. The people who care about you will love you regardless.

  2. Questions to Jesse

    1. How did you feel when you took down the catcher?

    I felt scared when I defeated the catcher but only on the inside. I knew others would be scared too so I made sure I appeared brave on the outside. It was difficult because I was shaking and worried about what would happen.

    2. How did you feel when you met The Ambassador?

    I felt nervous when I met The Ambassador, but I tried not to show it. No-one knew her name and she was very mysterious. Everyone was scared of her.

    3. How did you feel when the robot chickens first attacked?

    When the robot chickens first attacked, I felt very scared. They are huge and very intimidating looking. Nobody knew what they were or why they were attacking. All the adults had disappeared, and we didn’t know where they had gone.

    1. Thank you so much for sharing such a detailed response, Fraser. I believe that asking questions to your characters helps you to understand them better. Keep an eye out for next week’s book club. We are going to be doing something a little different ☺️

  3. My book is Evie’s magic bracelet The one character I choose is Evie. Question 1. What is your favourite pet? I think it is her pet cat. Question 2. What is your favourite colour ? I think it is purple. Question 3. What do you do in your spare time? I think she goes to the farm with her best friends.

      1. It is about a girl called Evie. She gets a bracelet from her grandma and it has powers for 3 days. She goes to a new school and she meets new friends.They do a run called the paper chase. Evie comes second place.

  4. The book i have been reading is The Worlds Worst Children by David Walliams. One character is Nigel Nit Boy.
    Question 1-Why do you like nits so much ? I think its because he didn’t have any pets and he really wanted a pet so he made the nits his pets. Question 2- How old are you ? It doesn’t tell you his age in the book but from the drawings i think he looks about 9. Question 3- why did he do mean things ? I think he wanted revenge on his teachers.

    1. Thank you so much for sharing, Harry! This book continues to sound absolutely hilarious. I don’t think I would like to have nits as a pet! I am much happier with my cat, Murphy 🙂

  5. Lord of the flies

    Questions for Ralph
    1. Are you scared of the beast from the water?
    I am but I try not to show it, because I am the oldest and the leader I pretend I don’t know about it when the litluns speak about it, but I do have nightmares.

    2. Do you really like jack?
    He’s alright like but he can be annoying when he gets angry about all this hunting stuff, we need shelter and the litluns get mangos anyway. Fruit is fine till we have a proper place to sleep.

    3. Do you really think you will get rescued?
    I hope we do but I just have to stay positive around the litluns, because I don’t want to spook them. We had a huge chance to get rescued but jack blew it, I am still angry at him.

    1. Hello Alex 🙂 You have asked some really interesting questions here that give us more insight into Ralph’s character. I liked your responses in the first question – because Ralph is the leader in the group, he is trying to remain brave in front of the others so that panic and fear doesn’t set in.

  6. Bad dad,by David walliams.
    1. How did you feel on top of your dads rolls Royce?
    It felt really scary and exciting at the same time as well as feeling my cheeks ripple like a pile of jelly.

    2. How did you feel when dad joined the bad men?
    I felt worried for him and once I found out he wouldn’t get money from Mr Big it made me mad!

    3.How did you feel when dad was locked up?
    It was a rough two months with great aunt flip but I grew to love the lady and her poems.

    4.How did you feel when your toy car set was stolen?
    The race car toys were my favourite but once I found out that they were stolen I needed to return them.

    5. Why did you follow dad in the first place?
    I’m pretty nosey and worried easily so once I found out what he was doing I couldn’t stop following him.

    Gilbert (Dad) did you feel when your wife left you for Mr Big?
    I felt miserable! Even when she left I felt like a wreck! I wasnt going to tell frank. He found out the hard way!
    2.How did you feel when they threatened to hurt Frank?
    They threatened to hurt Frank if I didn’t help them,so I couldn’t refuse.
    3.Did you ever wonder about Aunt Flips love life?
    No actually,but as soon as I saw the way Aunt Flip and reverend Judith stared at each other I knew straight away that they liked each other.
    4.How was it locked in prison?
    Very nerve racking especially with thumps stupid and aggressive brothers!
    5.Why did you join Mr Big and his gang?
    To be honest I dont know what came over me all I needed was some money to please my son(not that he wanted or needed it).

    1. Thank you for providing such a detailed response to the task, Austin! I am very impressed with the amount of questions you have asked. I really liked that you were asking the characters about how they were feeling when certain events happened in the story. This helps to give us a better understanding of the characters in a story and provide reasons for why they behave or act in a certain way. Great job and enjoy your long weekend 🙂

  7. Goosebumps,R.l Stine.
    Lizzy questions.
    1.what did you do to the horrorland free passes?
    I ripped them up and pinched the horror to deflate it, and threw them in the bin.
    2.what were your first impressions of horrorland?
    I actually thought it would be better than most theam parks,but it wasnt because,they sold black ice cream, the doom slide took you to a whole different part of the theam park and there was actually no other humans there,which was pretty weird.
    3.When you were in the house of mirrors,how did you feel when luke and clay went missing?
    I was feeling scared and knew it wasnt a joke and I thought I might not ever see them again, but then I did find them so my panic was over.

    I really enjoyed this book and would definitely recommend it to everyone!

    1. Hello Alfie 🙂 Thank you so much for sharing! I used to read the Goosebumps books when I was younger and I’m so glad that you enjoyed your book. Asking questions to the characters in our stories helps to give us a better understanding of them. Keep an eye out on the blog next week for new Book Club activities.

  8. Hello. I just finished Tom’s Midnight Garden by Phillipa Pearce. I enjoyed the middle of the book. I am going to write my character questions in my home learning journal. 😃

    1. That’s great Finlay, thanks for sharing. Keep an eye out for new activities for the Book Club on the blog tomorrow.

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