The Methlick School Spelling Bee!

Time to get your Spelling Bee Hat on

and challenge yourself to take part in…..

The Methlick School Spelling Bee!

These are the levels you can move up through –

10 words for each level!

A maximum score of 50

Anyone can have a go!

Score Sheet – click to open a PDF to download and mark your score on

The sheets we have been using to learn about the ‘ee’ sound are attached below, just incase you want to ‘brush up’ your skills before you start!

Dandelion Level

Long vowel ee sound

Bee Level

Long vowel ee sound ea

Honey Level

Long vowel ee sound at the end y or ey

Hive Level

We have been learning about the parts of the bee by listening to the Campbell Family, reading for information about bees and to label diagrams with Mr Mutch. By doing this you have been learning to sound out and read and write these words. This level will ask you to spell some of the bee’s body parts.

Queen Bee Gold Level

The parts of any living thing can be called it’s anatomy. Find out more information about the anatomy of a bee on this site. This level will ask you to spell some of these specialist words. Remember your spelling strategies.

  • Break the words into syllables.
  • Look for smaller words within the big words.

10 thoughts on “The Methlick School Spelling Bee!”

  1. We have just done the spelling bee. Evie got 21 out of 50, and Finlay got 49 out of 50! He just spelt invertebrate wrong and is quite irritated but also finds it a bit funny!

    1. Well done, both of you! Finlay, that’s an excellent score. I’ll make sure ‘invertebrate’ is one of your spelling words next week! 🐝🐝🐝

  2. This looks great, I hope lots of boys and girls give it a go. I enjoyed lending my voice to the Queen Bee level.

  3. Well Done Everyone
    Some real tricky words for you to try and spell correctly
    I so enjoyed helping Ms Rossvoll with this challenge

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