Well-Being Wednesday: Mr.Mutch vs Mr.Reid #2


Tune in now to see Mr.Mutch and Mr.Reid go head to head in an Ant vs Dec style showdown!

Each week the teachers will be presented with a challenge to complete. Watch each week to see what challenge they take on. You can get involved too, after watching the episode copy the activity and comment on how you got on.

You could be featured in the following weeks episode on the leader board. Get the whole family involved and see if you can beat Mr.Mutch and Mr.Reid!

Mr.Mutch vs Mr.Reid                            Episode 2

Furthest Paper Plane Throw

Your teachers have been tasked to use their designated time outside following social distancing rules to throw a paper plane as far as they can.

Research a unique design and then take to the skies and throw it.

Comment below how you got on and find out next week to see how Mr.Mutch and Mr.Reid got on!

Have a G.R.E.A.T Well Being Wednesday.

63 thoughts on “Well-Being Wednesday: Mr.Mutch vs Mr.Reid #2”

        1. Thank you, Megan. Mr Mutch’s video editing skills are just fantastic! We are looking forward to hearing how you get on with the challenge. Remember to send us your score and you might feature on the leaderboard next week.

          1. Your dad can participate in the challenge too! You could both create your own paper planes. Good luck!

    1. Taylor, Jordan should definitely give this challenge a go too. Ask him if he remembers our paper aeroplane challenge when he was in P1!

    1. Good luck, Niall. We look forward to seeing how you get on with the challenge. Remember to send us your score/distance.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Thomas. Mr Mutch really did a fantastic job editing the video and putting it all together. Good luck with the challenge and send us your score.

    1. Morning, Spencer – good to hear from you. The videos are fab, aren’t they? Mr Reid films his on the grass just outside my house, so I get a sneak preview every week. Have you managed to do any of the activities on the grid this week? It would be lovely to hear what you’ve been up to. You can email me using my Glow email address or leave a note for me on Seesaw if you prefer. 🙂

  1. Well done Mr Mutch and Mr Reid. What a great, fun activity everyone can take part in. I will have to do some research for this one.
    Mrs Taylor

  2. Great Challenge Mr Mutch and Mr Reid,

    We’ll have fun doing this challenge, it’s the perfect fun activity for our birthdays week!

    We’ll send our results in soon.

    1. Finlay and Evie- Wow! Birthdays coming that is exciting, I am sure you will have lots of fun with this activity. You did very well on the previous one 🙂

  3. Love the videos guys.
    They certainly give me a lift. I’m sitting here with a smile n my face.
    I think I might just give it a go.

  4. Ok we have just finished our challenge and here are our results:
    1.Coben-10 meters
    2.Alfie- 3 meters 81cm
    3. Jayden- 2meters 94 cm
    4. Austin- 1meter 4cm
    Sadly i lost

    1. Thank you, Ava. Mr Mutch and I are happy that you enjoyed the video. Good luck with the challenge and remember to send your results to Mr Mutch.

    1. What about my cat, Murphy? 🙂 Thank you for taking part in the challenge, Charlotte. Remember to send us your results! Good luck.

    2. Thank you for your support Charlotte, Bailey was my mascot this week but don’t forget Mr. Reid and Murphy. Looking forward to reading your results.

    1. Thanks for watching, Alexander. We hope that you and Charlotte will take part and send us your results! We will find out who wins next week.

    1. Thank you Shaun! Remember that you can take part in the challenge. Design and build your own paper plan, throw it as far as you can and record the distance. Send us in your results.

  5. Ok i’ll try it tomorrow because it is raining at my house.Mine will probably only make it 1 centimetre because i am not very good at making origami.But i’ll try that is what matters most. 🙂

    1. You are 100% correct Shaun, trying is what matters most 🙂 Have a play around with different design types and see which one works best for you. Good luck!

    2. I’m going to have a shot at it as well, Shaun. Last time I did this was with a P1 class and all of their planes went farther than mine! I’m keeping my fingers crossed for a windy day and hopefully that will carry the plane farther. 😉

    1. Well done you two! Thank you so much for taking part and keep an eye out for the leaderboard on next week’s episode.

    2. Finlay, that’s an incredible distance! Your plane must be very well designed. Well done, both of you.

      1. Brilliant effort! Thank you so much for taking part. Keep an eye out for tomorrow’s episode to see the leaderboard.

      2. 3rd (and final? – recording to follow) attempt:
        Struan: 19m
        Rory: 11m

        Dad: 17m
        Dad (with Struan’s plane): 25m

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