Literacy – VE Day poetry – Spicy/Hot

Good morning, everyone. Today I have an extra Reading and Writing task for you.

Click on the link at the end of this post to read two poems which were written about VE Day.  The first was written in 1945 when the war ended.  The poet was 11 years old at the time.  The second was written 60 years later, as she reflected once again on VE Day.

When you are reading the poems, discuss any unfamiliar words with an adult or look them up in a dictionary and write the meanings in your Home Learning journal.  Then, think about the following questions:

  1.  Do you notice any differences or similarities between the poems?  What are they?
  2. Which poem did you prefer and why?
  3. Was there anything you didn’t like about the poems?
  4. How do you think YOU would have felt at the end of the war?
  5. Next, write your own poem to commemorate VE Day, as if you were there at the time. Try to convey your feelings, knowing that the war is finally over.
  6. Remember to include adjectives, similes, onomatopoeia, etc. to bring your poem to life for the reader.
  7. You can choose any format you wish – acrostic, free verse, shape poem, haiku – and it can be rhyming or non-rhyming.

I look forward to reading them.

VE Day poems


3 thoughts on “Literacy – VE Day poetry – Spicy/Hot”

    1. Thank you for doing that, Megan. I’m glad you enjoyed them. I couldn’t believe it when I found out that the first one was written by an 11 year old girl. Are you going to try to write one of your own? What other activities from the blog have you been trying out?

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