Literacy mild challenge – Happy Lists

We are learning to write lists.

As an adult I write lists all the time.

With so many different things happening lately I have found it helpful to write  some happy lists.

This has helped me to focus on what is going well and worry a little bit less.

Happy List Ideas

  • This Week’s Happy Moments

  • Happy Places

  • Happy Moments or Memories

  • Happy Songs

  • List words about a friend or pet that makes you happy.

I have had a go at writing some Happy Lists  in this book.

I have filmed some of my happy places to share with you.

Take a moment to look and listen.

I wonder what you might make happy lists about?


15 thoughts on “Literacy mild challenge – Happy Lists”

  1. Thanks for sharing your happy places. Mine is my family and playing games. I set up outdoor skittles for the family to play a game the other night.


  2. I’ve done a happy list of the things that make me happy in my learning journal. I did pictures for them as well. I enjoy drawing.

    1. Hi Erin, that is so lovely to hear, drawing is something I also love. Thank you so much for replying that has made me feel happy, thank you.

  3. Thank you for sharing those videos ms Rossvoll I enjoyed dancing to the french 5 of day song.
    I will do a happy list too.


    1. Good morning Charlie, I have such a big smile on my face as I read your comment. I love French 5 a day. Enjoy writing your happy list.

  4. My Happy place this week has been my dining room.
    After the Easter break I set it up as my space to work, as Niall has the office.
    The room is quiet, cool and I have my laptop, telephone and running machine for company. My dogs are not allowed in the dining room, so I take wee breaks, so they can go out into the garden.

    1. I think it is very important to have some space for yourself, I like to go into the office and get peace and quiet.

  5. Dear Ms Rossvoll
    I am loving catching up with Thumper and friends. Seeing them being fed reminds me of Happy times as a child helping my Grandparents with their calves and my Pa, with sickie lambs. My Grandparents had a wee Croft with a few cows, chickens 🐓 and ducks. My Pa kept lots of cattle 🐄, sheep 🐑,geese,
    chickens on his farm. I loved being able to help fed the sickie lambs, we used an old lemonade bottle as their bottle. The calves used to try and suck our fingers (I remember their tongues being very rough).

  6. Happy Moments this week have been
    Able to contact everyone through this blog, FB and Teams.
    Connecting with friends I’ve not seen for a long time.
    Being able to set up Teams, by myself!
    Colouring, and Dot-to-Dot.
    Running on my new running 🏃🏻‍♀️ machine.

  7. My Dogs 🐶🐶 make me Happy 😃
    They are
    Alert, cuddly, fast, sun ☀️ bathers, can be lazy, can be crazy, loyal, naughty (stole and tried to eat the banana 🍌 loaf I had made for Niall)!

    1. Dear Mrs Webster,
      Your lists have made me SO happy, just wonderful.
      I hope you have a very happy weekend.
      Thank you for sharing so many lists – brilliant!

  8. I like seeing Thumper, he is very cute. The cows and calves are in the field beside me now.

    I did a list of my happy places and put them on my sway.
    Some of them I can’t go to at the moment (Granny’s house) but other ones I can 😊
    My garden is my favourite place to make me happy at the moment, I love going on my swing and playing in the paddling pool (when the sun is shining ☀️)

    1. Good morning Ava, the cows are beginning to go out to the fields here as well. Lovely to see them running around. I am so pleased that you have written a list of happy places. I miss seeing my Mum. I wish I had a swing, that sounds fantastic. Enjoy your day.

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