Easter Word Challenge

Here’s another Easter Literacy challenge for everyone.  How many words you can make from ‘HAPPY EASTER’?

Read the instructions in the Sway below, and challenge other family members to take part.  I’d recommend doing this over a number of days so that you can keep adding to your total.

Don’t forget to write the list of words in your Learning Journals, and leave a comment for me here, to let me know how many you have managed to find.   I’m going to give it a go and I challenge all the teachers and Mrs Fraser to take part as well!

There are different rules for Mild, Spicy and Hot, so click on the Sway to find out more.


28 thoughts on “Easter Word Challenge”

    1. Morning, Megan – I knew you’d be up for the challenge! I haven’t started yet, but I will begin later on. Good luck!

        1. Keep going, Megan! Are you attempting the Spicy or the Hot challenge? Maybe aim for 20 words and see how you get on.

          1. Go for it! I’ve started. I’ve found quite a few already but I’m sure there are plenty that I’ve missed.

    1. The way I do it is to look for a spelling pattern. For example – if I find ‘nest’, I look for other words that follow the same pattern but begin with a different letter. You can also change out the vowel in the middle and see if you can find any more words that way. Also, remember you can add ‘r’ or ‘-er’ on to many words, which will also increase your total.

        1. I’m up to 50 … keep going! Have a break and come back to it – sometimes words just ‘spring’ out at you. 😉

    1. Good for you, Cameron, but there are many more than that! Have another go in a day or two and see if you can add to your total.

    1. Shaun, that’s a super total! Very well done indeed. How long did it take you? I wonder if any of the other teachers have tried it yet? I’d be surprised if they are able to beat your score. 🙂

  1. hello Ms Rees
    I have been enjoying the fun activities.My favourite one today was how many words can you spell in happy easter.

    1. Hello Gabriella, how lovely to hear from you! I’m so glad to hear that you’re enjoying all the different activities. I’ve been doing the word hunt as well today and have now found quite a lot. Enjoy the Easter holidays and I’m looking forward to seeing you back here on 21st April, so that you can join in with more of the challenges we will be setting. Happy Easter!

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