Literacy: Handwriting: Mild

For those of you who have been doing the mild tasks on handwriting, focusing on your letter formations, here is a challenge on size.

In P2 we were focusing on getting our letters the correct size and to sit on the line properly. Once you are confident in how a letter should look you can challenge yourself to learn how to write it on the line properly.

Line guides

When we are writing on the line we can imagine 3 invisible lines or you can mark a soft dotted line to practise with.

The dotted line underneath is to show how far our tails can go on our letters such as – q,y,p,f,g,j

The first dotted line above our line shows the half way mark, this is where most of our letters will touch. Letters such as – q,w,e,r,y,u,o,p,a,s,d,g,h,j,k,z,x,c,v,b,n,m.

The second dotted line is where we see the stems of our letters reach to. These letters include – t,d,h,k,l,b

I was practising my letters in a sentence, but I don’t think I’ve got it just yet. My sentence has 20 letters can you tell me which letters are correct?  Could you tel me what I need to fix? Actually, could you rewrite the sentence correctly to show me where I’ve gone wrong. That would be an excellent form of feedback if you could speak me through how the letters should look on the line.

Mr.Mutch’s 20 Letter sentence


2 thoughts on “Literacy: Handwriting: Mild”

  1. I have been practicing my writing and have uploaded my sentence to sway. Hopefully there are no mistakes in mine.

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