Well-Being Wednesday #2 Journal Entry: Mild

I thought I would share with you all a journal entry I did following the sentence starts for Mild from last Thursday. It has been quite strange the past week with lots of sudden changes to our normal routine. This has been quite challenging and once or twice I have forgotten what day it is. But on Thursday I went for a very long walk and counted so many beautiful rainbows in the people’s windows. Then in the evening I wanted to take part in #clapforourcarers but didn’t know what would happen at 8pm.  It was so lovely to open my lounge window and clap with so many other people with cheering and chanting. It was the first time that week that I had really interacted with other people.

How has your Journal Writing gone? Are you writing daily / every few days?


Mr.Mutch’s Journal Entry

I also shared with you my idea of documenting this time on my journal cover, so I thought I would share with you how it is looking so far, is anybody else doing a doodle cover?

Mr.Mutch’s Doodle Journal Update

2 thoughts on “Well-Being Wednesday #2 Journal Entry: Mild”

  1. I have only done one journal entry, will do another today.

    I’ve also started a doodle cover, I will upload what I have done so far. I like your pictures.

    1. Well done Ava for your hard work this week, I received your video and it was amazing! Well, done. I loved the puppet theater you made and your pronunciation was fabulous.

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