All posts by Mrs Maclean

World Book Day 2013

*** Just a few days left to add your favourite book to the blog. Please join in, we love reading your comments!***

World Book Day is on the 7th March 2013. Two years ago we asked people to tell us about their favourite books. They told us the title and author, and a little bit about why it was their favourite. We received 177 comments from pupils, staff and parents but this year we want to  reach even more readers. Our plan is to contact  as many people as possible to find out what they like to read. To add your favourite book, click on  comments above and add your name, book title and author and why you like it. If you joined in last time, you can still take part….. maybe you love the same book or perhaps you’ve found a new favourite. We are going to contact Turriff Library to see if they would like to join our project, along with local organisations and sports teams.Add your comment before 25th March if possible. Please pass on the blog address to a reader and ask them to join in……grannies,granddads, uncles, aunties…. the more the merrier!

Thank you from Mrs Maclean and the blog team 🙂

Snow day information

Children should access their class glow group or blog, as directed by their class teacher prior to today. If children are unable to access glow, here is a list of suggested activities.

Learn their poem for Burns poetry recitals later in the week.

Play some maths games here.

Make a snowflake here.

100 word challenge. Using just 100 words, write a story which includes these 5 words: SNOW   DOG   PINK   WINDOW   CRASH Using the comment button at the top of this post, upload your story to the blog.

Build a snowman and take a photo. ( If you’d like to get your photo onto the blog, bring a printed copy to school when we return.)

St Andrew’s Day competition

Thank you to everyone who entered our flag competition. The standard of work was very high and we had a difficult job judging the flags. The winners for P4-7 are 1st- Isla Hepburn, 2nd-Abby Ross, 3rd- Georgia Wilson.

1st place
2nd place
3rd place

The winners for the p1-3s are 1st- Harvey Clark, 2nd- Laurel Christie, 3rd- Katie C , all from P3.

1st place
2nd place
3rd place

We would also like to award a special prize to Ewan in P4/7 for his super effort in completing the A-Z of Scotland.

A Message from the Eco Committee

Thank you to Miss Philp Smith and the children of Primary 5/19 and 5/20 for their assembly today. Click here to visit The Pod  eco website. Here are further details of their Switch Off Challenge.

Welcome to switch off fortnight 2012, we are the Markethill Eco-committee and we have a challenge for you.


We would like to see if we can reduce the amount of electricity we are using and wasting at home and at school.

We need to save electricity because making electricity using fossil fuels pollutes the environment.  Also Fossil fuels will run out one day .  Then we won’t have petrol or diesel for our cars or oil for our central heating.

So what can you do to help reduce pollution?  Switch off and save.  When you are not using a light switch it off.   When you are finished with the tv switch it off, don’t leave it on stand by.   When you are finished on the computer switch it off properly.  Don’t over fill the kettle when making hot drinks. Don’t spend more time than you need in a very hot shower.

Would you like some eco stickers for your house?  To win stickers and an eco badge you have to try and save electricity at home.  Then get your parents or guardian to comment below about what you’ve been doing to save electricity.