Hill of Banchory

Working together to prepare today’s children for the challenges of tomorrow.

December 12, 2018
by Mrs Morgan

P2 Fantastic Festive Fun!

We had lots of festive fun today!

We watched the dress rehearsal of the P4-6 Christmas show in the morning which was brilliant. Then we had our school Christmas lunch which was delicious. We have enjoyed wearing our Christmas jumpers as well as a good selection of hairbands, hats and even some festive tights.

December 7, 2018
by Mrs Reid

Church visit

Both Primary 1 classes were given a warm welcome at the Banchory Christian Fellowship Church.  We have been learning about the Christmas story and it’s importance to Christians.  We have been learning about special places of worship and we had a tour of the church. We found out about the different rooms in the church and how they are used. Thank you to Ewan, Debbie and all their helpers.

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December 7, 2018
by Mrs Jen Stephen

Primary 5~ First Aid Training

Primary 5 enjoyed completing their level 1 First Aid this week. They learnt the aims of First Aid, what our action plan should be in the event of an accident, how to carry out an initial assessment and put someone into the recovery position. We also learnt what the signs are of someone having an asthma attack or choking and what we can do to help. Overall a fantastic, informative session for Primary 5!


December 5, 2018
by User deactivated

P3F Showcase – Leading the Learning

Thank you to all parents who came to the P3 Showcase. The children really enjoyed you taking part and completing their challenges.

Children shared their leading the learning by showing the effects of exercise on the body. They demonstrated this knowledge and understanding through designing and performing movement challenges.

It was really good to get the opportunity to come in and see what the pupils have been learning and hear Mr Witt explain how their work all ties together. It was lovely to watch Tara working as a team, setting up their course, organising what they needed and then watching them go around. I then got to join in with Tara explaining what I had to do. Tara has really enjoyed this activity and you can see that she is having fun. Tara’s Mum.

Very impressed Robbie was able to explain how the challenge worked as well as which muscles and movements are involved in each section. Dad

Isla was able to explain what happened to her heart when she exercised.  Dad

Nice to see so many skills being used, not just physical skills but mental too. Lewis’s mum

It showed us how our bodies move and Sandie explained what powered our muscles. Her instructions and illustrations were clear and colourful. Dad

Wow! I am so impressed with the work, thought and creativity which the group showed in creating their course and booklet. I think the children learned so much from this exercise! Lola’s mum

I think the booklet is fantastic. The course is fun and they all worked really well together. Harry’s mum

Harry I felt amazing and I used throwing, jumping and balancing skills.

I felt very independent because I got to show my mummy around. Dylan M

My favourite part was throwing the fluff balls into a hoop. Hugh

Thank you P 3 F Mrs Fox and Mr Witt.

December 4, 2018
by Mrs Peter

Feeding the birds

The children have been watching the birds all year from our Nursery window hide and realised lately that we had more and more little birds and when asked they replied that “birds need food when it gets cold as the ground gets hard”. We got very busy then making feeders!

Robyn and Brodie were in charge of production checking ingredients and writing up a tick list of who had a turn.

We then worked very hard mixing and filling our junk containers.

The final part part of the production line was to attach ribbon.

We then planned where to hang our feeders visiting nearby woods, our own garden area and the path at the rear of Nursery.


Working together to carry our feeders safely. The children selected suitable branches and the staff helped put them up high.

Mission accomplished !




December 4, 2018
by Mrs Morrison

P7C First Aid Level 3

The pupils learned about many advanced aspects of first aid today including: fractures and sprains, angina, heart attacks and CPR. The children also learned the causes of these and how to administer first aid to someone in need of assistance until the emergency services arrive.


“I enjoyed it a lot, especially the CPR. We learned a lot of things.” Ethan B

“It was really inspiring and the skills we learned today from Tom were really useful. I hope we’ll never have to use these skills in the future, but if we do we’ll know how to use them.” Maddy

December 4, 2018
by Mrs Jen Stephen

Primary 5~ Inside out!

As part of our Health and Wellbeing topic we have been learning about our Mental health, the emotions we all experience and how to control these emotions.

We have created silhouettes of ourselves to represent how we all experience different emotions using the characters from inside out. They show what’s going on inside our minds and are a reminder for us to discuss our emotions and not bottle them up.

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