Author: Mr Cormack

Nursery Blog September 2021

This week in nursery we have been supporting children to recognise their name and the letter sounds in their name, through matching letters activities and games.

Next week, we will be exploring ‘Where our food comes from?’ Celebrating Harvest Time. The children will be acting out the story of ‘The Little Red Hen.’ Our literacy focus will be – can they retell the story, using puppets and props. We will also be baking bread, which the children are really looking forward to.

We asked the children to come up with ideas to change the home corner. They voted 6 votes for a building Site and 3 votes for a Dog Vets. The children helped change the area into a building site and have been using their imagination role-playing in the area.


In Gym this week we set up an Obstacle Course. This was a great activity to develop their gross motor skills. We also did some funky finger movements to support their fine motor skills.

On Wednesday at the woods, we played the can you find game. This week the children had to find objects that were hard and soft. We have added the items they have collected to our Inquiry Table in Nursery.


P2/3 September Blog Post

In P.E we have been working on our ball skills, focusing on chest passes.  We have been working in teams, competing to see how many chest passes we can do before we drop the ball, whilst also focusing on our technique.  We have also been working with a partner challenging ourselves by moving into a space and passing the ball for our partner to catch it.

In Topic we have been learning about our sense of taste and touch.  We were discussing whether our sense of smell affected our sense of taste and whether we needed our sense of sight to be able to identify what objects were in our mystery feely boxes. We were also discussing what is safe and unsafe to touch.

In health and wellbeing we have been learning that it is ok to make mistakes and discussing how we can succeed at something.  The children came up with lots of different feelings that we can feel when we are learning something new.  We discussed how our learning journey looks and we made a learning line for our classroom.  We each made a brick for our line, which we created through pattern.

In literacy we have been focusing on imaginative writing.  We read Lucy’s Blue Day and wrote about a time we have felt an emotion and what colour our hair would be with that emotion.

P6/7 September 2021

In Literacy we have continued to focus on our class novel – Holes. For our writing, we focused on creating a detailed description of the yellow-spotted lizard from the book. The children used expanded noun phrases to build up a picture of the lizard in the reader’s mind. This week we have started writing informal letters from the perspective of Stanley, the main character in the book.

Each spelling group is focusing on a different spelling pattern/rule each week, and we have been practising our words in lots of active ways!

In Maths last week, we were learning about place value to 1,000,000 and beyond. We learned how to round whole and decimal numbers. This week we have moved onto addition, and over the next few weeks will revise subtraction, multiplication and division.

On Monday we were very lucky to take part in a Health and Wellbeing workshop delivered by SCARF. This focused on physical and mental wellbeing – there was lots of great discussion about how we can keep our minds and bodies healthy.

We are continuing with our theme of friendship in health and wellbeing lessons, as well as having circle time discussions on responsibility and trust.

This week for topic we learned about Volcanoes. We focused specifically on the structure of a volcano, and after learning about it the children were tasked with creating a poster showing what they learned. We worked in groups where each child had a role, and we only had 30 minutes to complete the poster. As you can see, the children did a fantastic job on this task! Next week we will be learning about Earthquakes.


P1 Blog September 2021

Primary One have been revising the first set of sounds, making sure they can say, read, write, and do the actions for each sound. Those who have been absent in the first few weeks of term have had a chance to catch up. Next we will be making and reading words with these sounds.

In Numeracy and Mathematics we have been learning to use positional language in a variety of practical activities, and making sets of 3 and 4 objects.

In our topic ‘Me and My Family’ we have been discussing what we need to survive, including wants and needs. We had a virtual visit from ALEC where Harold the Giraffe taught us about ‘Happy Healthy Me’.

We have been talking about how we will celebrate Harvest as a school, Primary One are taking responsibility to organise this. We are making flags in Art to celebrate the Tour of Britain passing through Fettercairn.

Nursery – September 2021

We have had a very busy week in Nursery, the children played lots of games incorporating colour in Gym. We danced with scarves, practised our ball skill and played a colour corners game.

Woodland Wednesday was great fun, we talked about staying safe before we left Nursery. Everyone really enjoyed playing on the rope swing and playing pooh sticks on the bridge.

After a picnic snack we retold the story of “Goldilocks and the Three Bears” the children acted out the story and we had lots of bears chasing Goldilocks out of the cottage.

On the way back to Nursery we saw the bunting on the Market cross and we talked about the special bike race coming through the village on Sunday.

P4/5 September 2021


Primary 4-5 have been learning about Scottish Geography and Landscape in our topic. We were learning about U-Shaped valleys left behind by glaciers in the ice age and had a look online at one in Glen Coe. We went for a walk around the village with Mr Gould, who is a geologist. He kindly volunteered his time to show us evidence of glaciers left behind in our landscape right here in Fettercairn! We learned about the red sandstone that is used in some of the buildings in the square that was brought down from the mountains thousands of years ago by glaciers.

(Some of this sandstone was used to build Mrs Hay’s house!)

Expressive Arts

Primary 4-5 used the knowledge they gained about glaciers to create some glacier landscape paintings in art. We spoke about the cool tones of the paint and used these to create a background of sea and sky, and then glaciers which we glued on top.


ALEC Virtual Session

On Monday this week, we enjoyed an online session delivered by Aberdeenshire Life Education Centre and the children recognised Harold the giraffe from previous in-school visits! Harold spoke to the children about keeping their brains and bodies healthy.

As always, if ever you need anything please feel free to contact me on

P2/3 September 2021

In literacy we have been writing imaginative stories with the focus of making our writing legible and combining words and pictures.  We have also been learning our spelling words through active games like word bang, word splat and hangman.

In numeracy we have been learning to identify the number before, after and between and have been playing ‘spin the wheel’ to reinforce this.  We have also been learning to count in 3s and have been making groups of 3 to support this and we have been sequencing numbers up to 10000.  For mental maths we have been playing around the world and are working together to beat our timer for counting up to 100.

Our focus in health and wellbeing is our feelings and we have identified lots of different feelings that we have and we are learning that it is ok to speak about our feelings.

In art we have created optical illusions and have learned that an optical illusion is an image which tricks our brains.  We have also made flags for when the Tour De Britain comes through Fettercairn with encouraging messages and pictures on them.

In p.e. we have been playing team games to encourage working together to achieve and we have carried out a guided obstacle course to link in with our topic in order to see what limitations there are without our sight and how we can help others keep safe.

P6/7 Blog Post

We have had a busy 2 weeks in P6/7 and the children are settling very well into routines.

This week we started our new class novel ‘Holes’ by Louis Sachar. As we explore the book this term, we will be learning about different reading comprehension strategies to help us develop a deeper understanding of the texts we read. We have analysed the front cover and the blurb to make predictions about the book – the children had some very interesting ideas

We have started the new term by focusing on Place Value in maths, initially on whole numbers to 1,000,000. Next week we will be learning about rounding whole and decimal numbers. We will also be covering shape this term.

On the first week of term P6/7 explored Children’s Rights and Responsibilities (UNCRC). As a class we agreed on the most appropriate Rights and Responsibilities we would like to focus on in the classroom, and this has formed our class charter.

This term in Health and Wellbeing, we will be focusing on making and maintaining friendships, as well as emotions.

In PE, we are focusing on golf with Miss Davie.

The children created fantastic self-portraits to display in the classroom. We created a mindfulness-inspired background, focusing on using lots of different patterns – we think they look great!

This term our topic will be Natural Disasters. We will complete a KWL to gather information about what the children already know, and what they want to learn.

If you need anything at all, please do not hesitate to contact me:

P1 Blog Post

Primary 1 have enjoyed getting to know each other, learning new routines and creating class rules.

In Heath and Wellbeing we have been finding out that families come in different sizes!

In Literacy we have started learning the first set of sounds and forming letters. We are focussing on using the correct pencil grip and strengthening our fingers by using pegboards and playing with construction and small world toys.


In Numeracy we are counting to 10, 20 and 30 and matching the numbers on dominoes. We have been learning about 3d shapes and the seasons of the year.

In Music we have been using our voices and in Drama we have been exploring the use of space and imagination. In PE we have played games outdoors.

P2/3 Blog Post

P2/3 have been sharing their interests with Mrs Strachan and we have been getting to know each other through ‘All about me’ activities and we have drawn our portraits.









We have discussed what our class charter should be and how we can be responsible, respectful and how we can support each other to achieve.

Our topic for this term will be our senses and we will be focusing on how they can help us to stay safe, how reliable they each are and what their limitations are.  We have brain stormed lots of exciting ways that we can learn all about our senses.