P2/3 September 2021

In literacy we have been writing imaginative stories with the focus of making our writing legible and combining words and pictures.  We have also been learning our spelling words through active games like word bang, word splat and hangman.

In numeracy we have been learning to identify the number before, after and between and have been playing ‘spin the wheel’ to reinforce this.  We have also been learning to count in 3s and have been making groups of 3 to support this and we have been sequencing numbers up to 10000.  For mental maths we have been playing around the world and are working together to beat our timer for counting up to 100.

Our focus in health and wellbeing is our feelings and we have identified lots of different feelings that we have and we are learning that it is ok to speak about our feelings.

In art we have created optical illusions and have learned that an optical illusion is an image which tricks our brains.  We have also made flags for when the Tour De Britain comes through Fettercairn with encouraging messages and pictures on them.

In p.e. we have been playing team games to encourage working together to achieve and we have carried out a guided obstacle course to link in with our topic in order to see what limitations there are without our sight and how we can help others keep safe.

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