P2/3 Term 3 Newsletter

In numeracy this term we will be focusing on subtraction.  The children will be carrying out either 2-digit, 3-digit or 4-digit subtraction sums, using the correct mathematical vocabulary.  We will be learning different strategies to support us i.e., using concrete materials, counting back on a number line/number square whilst also building our mental agility skills through active learning activities.  To support the children with their learning you can write out sums for them to answer, ask them sums to work out in their head or they can play interactive games on a device such as – https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/subtraction-grids. In mathematics this term we will be learning money.  Our addition and subtraction skills will help us with our learning in money.


In literacy, we will be developing our writing skills through developing our ability to use a variety of openers, connectives and extending our vocabulary that we can use in our writing.  We will also be improving our punctuation skills, understanding where and when you can use a comma, exclamation mark and question mark.  Our topic this term is Julia Donaldson stories therefore we will use these to explore ‘Wow’ words which we can use in our own writing.


In Health and Wellbeing, we will be discussing our growing bodies and what the correct names for parts of our bodies are.  We will also be discussing that my body belongs to me and learning the importance of personal space.  In p.e. we will be participating in Scottish Country Dancing and then we will be learning gymnastics and how we can link actions and skills to create movement patterns and sequences.

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