P1/2 October 2022

In Literacy Primary 1 have been introduced to the first two sets of sounds and have worked very hard to listen to them in words, read them and form them correctly. P2 have been learning some two-letter sounds and working on tricky words in pairs. We have been listening to lots of Mr. Men stories in order to improve our listening skills and vocabulary.

In Numeracy P1s have been working on counting , ordering and forming numbers 0-8, and making numbers one or two more. P2s have worked on strategies for addition to 20 and reinforcing subtraction to 10. Everyone has worked on 2d and 3d shape, positional language and pattern making.

In RME we learned about Harvest traditions and sharing food with our neighbours, and in music learned a Harvest song  called ‘Cauliflowers Fluffy’ to sing when we delivered the food. In Art we have painted and used oil pastels and collage to create a variety of pictures. In French we have learned about the country of France and some greetings. In Drama we learned how to use our body posture and actions to adapt a role. In PE we have been working on improving our core strength.

Through our topic ‘Senses’ we learned how we use our senses to find out about the world around us. Thank you very much to the parents who visited the class to share their knowledge and experiences, there will be other topics throughout the year that you may be able to help us with.

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