P6/7 May Update

In Literacy, the children wrote a recount of Health Week and the activities they enjoyed the most. The children have been encouraged to write in paragraphs and use a thesaurus to up-level their vocabulary. We have been learning about the use of different punctuation in grammar.

In Maths over the last few weeks, we have been learning about Measurement. We’ve spent time learning how to convert units of measurement (for example, millilitres to litres, centimetres to metres etc) as well as doing lots of practical activities. The children became more confident at making estimations of the weight or length of classroom objects, before weighing or measuring them correctly.

Some children started learning to calculate the circumference of a circle using the correct formula.

Next week we will begin learning about Angles. This will involve naming, measuring and drawing angles.

In PE, we started our Tennis block this week. The children worked well with Mrs Anderson to practise their grip, front hand, and back hand. Next week we will learn more about serving.

We have finished our Food and Nutrition unit in Health and Wellbeing. The children learned to read food labelling and we thought about why labelling food correctly is important. We concluded our block of lessons by estimating and weighing the amount of sugar in common foods. The children were quite shocked!

In our ‘Inventions that Changes the World’ topic, the children have been learning about Alexander Graham Bell over the past week. Each table group were asked to research a different information and make a poster on what they learned. They then presented this to the rest of the class and received feedback on their poster and presentation from another group.

We have learned about electrical circuits. The children learned to draw circuits using the scientific symbols and they had great fun trying to make series and parallel circuits.

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