P1/2 Post- June 2021

P1‘s sound of the week is ‘oa’, and to illustrate the word ‘boat’, the whole class had fun making origami boats. This was a great exercise in listening for instructions and we learned how important it is to fold carefully and accurately in this craft.

P2 have been learning about questions and when to use question marks.

In maths, P1 have been continuing to learn about money by using coins to find different ways of making amounts. They have become very good at adding and subtracting numbers in Numeracy recently, so have found it an extra challenge  to work within the limitations of the coin values. Any hands on experience with real money at home such as emptying out a piggy bank and counting the coins would be really helpful. Next we will be working on measuring capacity.

P2 have been learning about the concept of area and have been measuring area with non-standard units.

In maths we have also learnt about clockwise and anti-clockwise direction and practised making half and quarter turns. P2 learnt how to interpret grid references.

In RME we learned about the Hindu festival of Holi, and enjoyed making pictures with powder paint. In Health and Wellbeing we will be learning about ‘my body belongs to me’ and ‘differences and similarities’. We made some super line drawings of insects in Art.

P1/2 enjoyed sunny weather recently. We were looking at plant parts and made some bunting using mallets and things we found in our school garden. We also learnt some birds names and their calls, and went on a “caterpillar” hunt which helped us understand the importance of camouflage in nature.

We practised our warm-up for sports day. We were very excited to welcome parents and friends to support us in our sports challenge. Thank you to all.


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