P4/5 – Blog 11-6-21

In our last few weeks of term, we have been learning about different styles and types of poetry.  The children have particularly enjoyed listening to Michael Rosen and have written a Haiku with Miss Riley.  In maths we will be completing data handling this week and will be moving on to revising all topic areas for the second last week of term.

The last week of term is going to be children’s choice week!  I have asked all the children what they would like to learn about and I will create lessons based on these choices. The children have come up with some brilliant ideas about what they would like to learn and their ideas range from gaming to oceanography and space to the periodic table.

We will be making some more perspective drawings this week to add to our classroom display as seen below.



Our sports day event went very well and the children really enjoyed planning and designing the obstacle course.

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