Braemar School and Nursery

Braemar School and Nursery, working together to provide an ethos where everyone feels happy, safe, supported and challenged to be the best they can be.

Our School Garden


On Wednesday 5th of June 2019 Braemar school saw their garden and it wasn’t looking that nice. So we decided we should  decorate it. 

One weekend, people from Mar Lodge came to here to cut down a chunk of fence and place a big line of fence. The teachers  brought some plants in  that weren’t in the best shape but our challenge was to make them good by the end of the term. We split the plants evenly and then each team went out one by one to go and plant their plants. Mrs Farquharson came out to supervise us planting them. Now every day someone will go out from their team at lunchtime or break time to water the plants.

I really liked planting the plants and I liked watering them I’m looking forward to seeing what they will be like when they’re grown fully.

By Tom

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