Braemar School and Nursery

Braemar School and Nursery, working together to provide an ethos where everyone feels happy, safe, supported and challenged to be the best they can be.

Going to the Science Centre


On Tuesday the 4th of June Braemar School went to the Science Centre in Aberdeen to learn about science and enjoying yourself at the same time.We were very excited on our way there because last time it was very exciting.
The primary 4-7’s got a presentation about medieval tools to move, lift and build with rocks.We also got to play with science toys.Some of the toys were really interesting like the bubbles.There was bubble liquid and a stick when you wound the handle you lifted up the stick you made a bubble. Another thing we did was giving a set of instructions to tell a jam sandwich making robot what to do but nobody did their instructions really accurately so the robot didn’t make a jam sandwich properly.
I really enjoyed the visit. All the things I found out about were really interesting and I learnt a lot.

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