Braemar School and Nursery

Braemar School and Nursery, working together to provide an ethos where everyone feels happy, safe, supported and challenged to be the best they can be.

Our trip to Ballater

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On the Thursday 21st of March 2019 the Primary sevens of Braemar went to Ballater School. We went to Ballater School for transitions to meet new people before we go to the Academy. When we first were there it was kind of a shock how big the school was because it was way bigger than ours. When we went inside the school we got taken to the hall to do some games. When we were in the hall we were greeted by two ladies called Li and Susan. The first game that we did was a game where you need to go in a circle and put your left hand out flat and then you put your right index finger and point it downwards on the other persons hand. After everyone did that someone said a word e.g. dogs and then we go person to person making up a story and if someone said dogs in their turn of making there little bit of a story, we pull our right hand up but with our left we try to catch the other persons finger before it gets away. And that was our first game.

Our second game was a game where there was a ball and still in our circle we passed the ball around the circle remembering our order we kept passing the ball around the circle introducing more balls as the time goes on. It got faster and faster and more exciting. That was our second game.

Our third game was where there were two teams and a rope which was tied up in knots. Only using one hand you needed to untie all the knots in the quickest time. Only one team got to do it before break. So after break the other team got to do theirs but sadly my team did not win.

Our fourth game was there were four teams all split up and they got some envelopes that had different shapes to make some squares, and depending on how many people there were in the group if there was four people you needed to make four squares. At the end there was a mix up, one of the other teams had our piece and we had theirs.

Our final game was we got a pack of cards a little bit of sellotape and scissors and with all that materials we had to build the tallest tower but we came third.

And that was our trip to Ballater.

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