All posts by Riannon Kerensa


This term our class had the topic WWII. We had a visitor who was 89 came and told us what it was like during that time, I found the story very interesting.

The p6’s made Anderson shelters (Shelters people would hide in during an air raid.) They looked very impressive and fun to make.

Our class learned about rationing, rationing means you only have a certain amount of food and you need to last a long time so you need to save it. While we were learning about rationing Mrs Lethaby (A student teacher that came to our school for four weeks) gave us some sweets to last a whole week. I thought it was impossible but I managed… Just slightly.

But I really enjoyed our topic and it was lots of fun.


By Riannon Taylor!

The Guide Dog Charity

This term we had a Christmas Fair but we did a Guide Dogs Charity  stall with Cato Touw and Kate Parfitt.

We made dog toys out of tennis balls and material. We also made dog treats out of bananas , peanut butter  and oats. Zuzanna made us Guide Dog T-Shirts. We had great Banner too!

At the stall there was a “Guess the Name of the Dog?”, “Guess How Many Treats in a Jar”, there were mini dog plushes, Christmas cards and much much more.


If you click here you’ll go to the Guide Dog website


By Riannon and Zuzanna



Image result for Guide dogsImage result for Guide dogs



Dr Who

Doctor Who is a very popular show with lots of adventures around space and time in The Doctors TARDIS,you could see all of the adventures and catch up by going to this site.

and if you want to know about behind the scenes and secrets or just plain things you did not know about Dr Who go to this site here


by Riannon

Term Notes

This term we have been taking notes of different things each week like Roal Dhal, Harvest and last our own choice.

Once we made the notes of information we made them into paragraphs which are information stories.

The last one was quite a mixture of different things from different people here are some examples,

Doctor Who=Me, Canada=Cato, Halloween=Caitlyn, Art=Zuzanna, Ice Age=Kate.


By Riannon



All About Riannon

My name is Riannon, I was born in Aberdeen in Scotland on the third of March 2006.

I have a family of eight my mum, my dad, my brother, my other brother, my sister,and my two FABULOUS dogs!

I have a lot of favourite things like I am in love with doctor who! I also really love foxes because they look so pretty and cute.

lets get back to my dogs, one of them is collie cross terrier and the other is a full collie.