Guide Dog Donation

My friends and I made a stall at the Ballater School Christmas Fair to raise money for guide dogs. I came up with the idea because I saw a letter in the mail that had a guide dog puppy looking hungry. It said on the letter that £3.oo can feed a guide dog puppy for a week. Then I went to school and thought that my friends could help me  and they were really excited about the idea. That following Friday a guide dog puppy came to school and we took it round the classes. The puppy’s name was Lennox and it’s owner told us that from the moment it is trained to when it retires it costs £50,000. Click here to find out more!

By Cato

At the fair we had games, Guess the Name of the Dog? the dog was called Pebbles and How Many Dog Bones in the Jar? We sold dog homemade treats and toys , soft toy dogs, Christmas cards rubber, pencil,highlighters  and other stuff. Our group name was “Guide Paws”.

by Kate

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