Well done guys I am so impressed that we got the banana I hope we keep it for three weeks in a row then we get a class treat! 🙂
We got the banana we got the banana we got the banana. Well done guys !!!! I really hope that we will keep the banana for 3 weeks ?
Well done everyone
Yippee well done guys 🙂
Well done 😉 !
Well done guys I am so impressed that we got the banana I hope we keep it for three weeks in a row then we get a class treat! 🙂
YEAH! 😉 🙂 <3
I love the banana it’s so awesome 😀 😀 :d
YEAH!!!!! so proud of p5/20!!! well done! 🙂 🙂 🙂 :):)
We got the banana we got the banana we got the banana. Well done guys !!!!
I really hope that we will keep the banana for 3 weeks ?